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Scientific Groups

EFCE’s Working Parties & Sections are at the core of the organisation and form the scientific engine that drives many of EFCE’s activities. They provide an important forum for networking among chemical engineers in Europe.

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EFCE Working Parties

Each of EFCE's Working Parties focuses on a specific disciplines of chemical engineering. 

Working Party membership:

There are four main categories of Working Party membership:

  • Delegates: Nominated by the Member Societies from among their individual members (Contact: respective Member Society)
  • Elected Members: Elected by the Working Party members , limited to individual members of EFCE Member Societies (Contact: Working Party Chair)
  • Guests/Guest members: invited by the WP members (Contact: Working Party Chair)
  • Honorary Members (decided by the Working Party members)


In 2001, in addition to the EFCE Working Parties, the Federation introduced EFCE Sections. To date, the EFCE has seven Sections (see table below).

Section membership: 

The Sections are open to any professional chemical engineer or a specialist in a related field, who is willing to contribute to the activities of an EFCE Section and of the Federation as such.
Note: Except for the Early Career Chemical Engineers Section, undergraduate students will not normally be accepted for Section membership. 
The application form for Section membership can be found on web page of the respective Section or here