Mission and Stategy
EFCE's Mission, Objectives and Stategy and the Forum Meetings and Perspectives Survey are presented here.
Since 1953 the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) has promoted scientific collaboration and supported the work of engineers and scientists in Europe and abroad.
Today, the EFCE comprises 33 Member Societies in 27 European countries, representing more than 100,000 chemical engineers in Europe. The Federation also works with Institutional Members from around the globe.
In December 2014, the EFCE was officially set up and registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in the UK.
We invite you to participate in the wide range of EFCE activities such as our events and Sections.
The Federation's activities are determined by the Executive Board (charity trustees), while three General Secretariats in Germany, France and the United Kingdom share the different administrative tasks.
With its Working Parties and Sections it covers all areas of Chemical Engineering. They link almost 1000 experts from industry and academia.
We invite you to participate in the wide range of EFCE activities such as our events and Sections.
Join us!
Mission and Stategy
EFCE's Mission, Objectives and Stategy and the Forum Meetings and Perspectives Survey are presented here.