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EFCE Working Party awards

for senior researchers and industrial innovation

The EFCE and its Working Parties have established a series of Awards for long term/lifetime achievements to recognise an outstanding research career and achievements in their scientific fields and recent/industrial innovation.

CAPE Award for Long Term Achievements (LTA)

The CAPE Award for Long Term Achievements (LTA) is given in recognition of a collection of outstanding achievements over an extended period of time (> 10 years) to the CAPE community (and specifically to the CAPE WP) and to CAPE methods, tools and/or applications for the advancement of science, engineering and technology.

Call for nominations

The call for nominations for the 2024 LTA Award is closed.


Recent laureates:

2013 - Professor Peter Glavic & Prof. Gintaras V. (Rex) Reklaitis

2017 - Professor Ignacio Grossmann

2021 - Professor Lorenz T. Biegler

CAPE Recent Innovative Contribution Award (RIC)

The CAPE Award for Recent Innovative Contribution (RIC) is given in recognition of an outstanding innovative contribution to recent advances in CAPE ideas, methods and/or tools. Recent means within the last 4 years from the current date.

Call for nominations


Recent laureates:

2019 - Professor André Bardow & Professor Joachim Gross

2023: Prof. Anton Kiss & Prof. David Bogle

NEW: George Stephanopoulos Award in Process Systems Engineering

The George Stephanopoulos Award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievements in Process Systems Engineering.
The Award is co-sponsored by the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, the EFCE Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering, and the AIChE-CAST Division.

Call for nominations

The call for nominations for the inaugural George Stephanopoulos Award in Process Systems Engineering is closed.


no laureate, so far

About George Stephanopoulos

Prof. George Stephanopoulos (born in Kalamata, Greece, in 1947) is a leading scholar, pioneer, and visionary in the field of Process Systems Engineering (PSE) and one of the most celebrated graduates of NTUA. His work includes seminal contributions influential to the community that provided the broadest coverage of PSE approaches and methodologies in process synthesis and design (continuous and batch); computer-aided modelling languages; process control; fault detection and diagnosis; operations planning; product design; synthesis of reaction and metabolic networks; synthesis and design of petrochemical sectors (Greece, Argentina); synthesis and design of biorefineries; synthesis and design of pharmaceutical processes; AI in process engineering (products, processes, control, operations), and most recently in systems applications for the circular economy.
Prof. Stephanopoulos has received all major distinctions for a person in PSE. He worked both in top rated universities (University of Minnesota, MIT, including shorter terms at NTUA and Arizona State University) and senior industrial positions (CTO and Board Member of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation). His extensive academic family should be considered the most important part of his legacy. Through his students and their students, his academic family tree includes 850 members (as of 2017) installed at chemical engineering schools worldwide, primarily in Europe and USA. Specifically, for Greece and NTUA, the Greek PSE contingency in Europe, North America, Middle East, and elsewhere, is among the largest and most prominent. The George Stephanopoulos Award is set up to recognize their contributions and accomplishments.

Alvin and Helen Lifetime Recognition Award in Mixing

The Lifetime Recognition Award in Mixing is a triennial award, given to a person belonging to one of the EFCE member countries in recognition of his/her outstanding contribution to mixing science and technology.

Since 2021, the Lifetime Recognition Award in sponsored by Alvin and Helen Nienow.
Professor Alvin W Nienow, DSc, FIChemE, FREng was a member of the Organizing Committee of the First European Mixing Conference in 1974. Since that time, he was on the Organizing or Scientific Committee and contributed technically to the Conference series and to mixing research and practice as such. He was also a winner of the 2nd LRA in 2003 when it was sponsored by Ekato. He and his wife Helen count many people in Europe and world-wide working in mixing as their friends. Alvin and Helen are sponsoring this prize starting from the 2021 edition in recognition of the contribution that mixing in general and the European mixing community in particular has made to enhance the quality of their lives.
Alvin Nienow († 5 November 2022)
An Obituary and Memorial by Arthur W. Etchells, DuPont Fellow emeritus

Previous Award winners are John Smith (2000), Alvin Nienow (2003), John Bourne and Ivan Fort (2006), Joël Bertrand (2009), Franco Magelli (2012), Harry van den Akker (2015), Michael Yianneskis (2018), and Alberto Brucato & Matthias Kraume (2021).


Call for nominations 2023

The call for nominations for the 2023 Alvin and Helen Nienow Lifetime Recognition Award in Mixing is closed.


“Michael L. Michelsen” award

The “Michael L. Michelsen” Award (renamed in February 2021 - previously called "Distinguished Lecture on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties) aims to honour a senior member of the community that is active in a European institution. The award is presented every two years by the EFCE Working Party on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties.

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Call for nominations 2024

The call for nominations is closed.


Recent laureate:

2022 - Professor Signe Kjelstrup, Norway

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Process Intensification Award for Industrial Innovation

Launched in 2015, the biennial EFCE Process Intensification Award for Industrial Innovation is presented to an employee or a team of employees of a company, who have made excellent contributions to industrial application of process intensification.

Call for nominations 2025

The call for nominations for the 2025 Process Intensification Award for Industrial Innovation will open soon.

The Award is generoulsy sponsored by the European Process Intensification Centre - EUROPIC.

About EUROPIC: EUROPIC is an unique, industry-driven platform set up by a coalition of leading European companies.
Our mission is to support members by structurally addressing the global trends and challenges facing the process/chemical industry. We do so by accelerating knowledge and technology transfer in the field of process intensification (PI). To support and integrate the entire value chain, EUROPIC actively connects science and business in innovative application-driven research. We create interfaces between academia, end users (manufacturers), engineering companies and technology providers.

Lifetime Recognition LPS Award

Launched in 2019, the Lifetime Recognition LPS Award is presented to an employee or a team of employees of a company, who have made excellent contributions to industrial application of process intensification. The award is presented every two years by the EFCE Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries and sponsored by the respective local organiser of the Loss Prevention Symposium.

Call for nominations 2025

The call for nominations is open.

The 3rd edition of the Award will be presented at Loss Prevention 2025 held in Bologna, Italy, on 8-11 June 2025.

Deadline for submission of nominations: 30 November 2024

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Recent Award winner:

2019 - Professor Hans Pasman
2022 - Professor Adam Markowski


Awards in the field of Electrostatics

presented by the Working Party on Static Electricity in Industry

Award winners 2022:

  • Helmut Krämer Award was delivered to Dr. Paul Holdstock for distinguished achievements in the science and engineering of electrostatics, developing safe technologies, innovative uses and applications. Dr. Holdstock delivered the Helmut Krämer Memorial Lecture.
  • Stig Lundquist Award was delivered to Dr. Jeremy Smallwood for recognition of dedicated service and notable contributions to the advancement of the field of atmospheric and industrial electrostatics as a researcher and teacher. Dr. Smallwood delivered the Stig Lunquist Award Memorial Lecture.
  • International Fellow Award for recognition of dedicated service and notable contributions to the advancement of the field of industrial electrostatics was delivered to Prof. Daniel Lacks, Prof. Roman Cimbala and Dr. Poupak Mehrani.