Section on Food

Welcome to the website of the EFCE Section on Food.

Current activities



European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology

Organised every year, the Workshop is a unique opportunity for your highly qualified PhD students and recently graduated Postdocs to present and discuss their projects and to strengthen their network in academia and industry.

The 18th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology will take place on April 15-16, 2025 in Athens, Greece.

Contributions are still welcome and appreciated. Deadline for the nomination of candidates:  31 January 2025

More information about the event and the application procedure can be found on the website:

The event is supported by an industry board consisting of Nestlé, Bühler, GNT, Elea and Alfa Laval.


Spotlight Talks

Introduction - Objectives of the Section

The EFCE Section on Food was founded in 2004 emanating from the previous Food Working Party, which was one of the oldest working parties of EFCE. To organise the start-up of the new Section, the signer was elected for its chairman. The Section was created with the aim of bundling the European activities in the field of food process engineering and to cooperate with other organisations active in comparable fields. It is known that further disciplines are required in order to sufficiently address the field. Thus experts on food science of different disciplines as well as engineers should contribute to the new Section on Food.
In order to organise a new Section on Food in Europe, the international surroundings have also to be considered. As a globally acting organisation, the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), founded in 1962, is to be mentioned. IUFoST has a large network at its disposal and runs national committees in many countries. The International Society of Food Engineers (ISFE) is an organisation to promote the sharing of information on food engineering and related topics. ISFE is connected to IUFoST and was founded in 2004.
The International Association of Engineering and Food (IAEF) is also acting globally. The main assignment of this association is to elect the president and organisers for the next International Congress of Engineering and Food (ICEF) as well as the host country. ICEF is the most important congress in our field, usually held in a four year cycle at different locations. The next International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 10) will be held in Viña del Mar/Chile on April 20-24, 2008. Within Europe, the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) operates with 80 societies in 21 affiliated European countries. This non-profit association provides a platform for cooperation among food scientists, engineers, technologists and business in food and food-related areas. EFFoST offers a very broad forum and keeps up many activities including issues of education and global harmonisation of food regulations.

Having in mind the numerous international organisations in food science, engineering and technology, the EFCE Section of Food is to be developed in a way that double work is avoided. Collaboration with the existing international organisations should be arranged, especially with the European Federation of Food Science and Technology. A special challenge is the large number of congresses, conferences, workshops and other meetings, organised by the international organisations named above. The numerous national societies in the field of food science and engineering are also very active and organise many events. The members of the EFCE Section on Food agree to the fact that further classical meetings in the field of foods in Europe are not required. Thus a new concept should be developed.

In nearly all European countries the national societies offer a forum for young PhD-students to present their ongoing research. These annual national meetings are very successful and profitable for both, the young PhD-students learning how to present and discuss a paper on the one hand, and industry looking for excellent young scientists and engineers on the other hand. Up to now, such meetings are only held on a national level. It is about time to offer this opportunity on a European level.

According to the decision of the Section members in Valencia on October 2005, the members of the General Section Meeting (Nantes, September 2006) confirmed to organise a European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology every year in cooperation with EFFoST, the European Federation of Food Science and Technology. The workshop will be held at different locations in Europe every year with the best European PhD-students, who will finish their dissertation in food engineering and technology soon or have recently received a PhD in this field. The young speakers of the workshop should be selected by their national organisation responsible for food engineering and technology or by a national expert committee. The basic selection criteria and further information are summarised in the  " Call for Nominations ". Each European country may nominate one (small countries) or two (large countries) candidates. The workshop is planned to be a forum for excellent young researchers, presenting their recent results and discussing it with people from academia and industry. At the end of each workshop the very best presenter will be honoured by the "Julius Maggi Research Award", sponsored by Nestlé Product Technology Centre Singen.

The First Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, hosted by Professor Dietrich Knorr, Technical University of Berlin, and organised by the EFCE Section on Food in cooperation with EFFoST and Technical University of Berlin, was held in Berlin on May 21 and 22, 2007. 15 young scientists from 10 countries, selected by their national organisation or expert committee, presented high level papers.
Dr. Karbowiak, Saint-Apollinaire/France, got the "Julius Maggi Research Award 2007" for the very best presentation.
Dr. Karbowiak got his PhD in Food Science in 2006 at ENSBANA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Biologie Appliquée à la Nutrition et à l'Alimentation), Burgundy University, Dijon/France. This workshop of excellence, according to the opinion of the more than 60 participants, was a great success.
The Second European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, again organised by the EFCE Section on Food in cooperation with EFFoST, will be held in Paris on May 26 and 27, 2008 and will be hosted by Professor Gilles Trystram, ENSIA Massy. The third workshop in 2009 will be hosted by Professor Paolo Masi in Naples/Italy.

As soon as the EFCE Section on Food is working, its direction should change hands to a younger member, since the chairperson should still be active in her or his professional life. During the General Meeting of the Section members on May 21, 2007 in Berlin, Professor Dietrich Knorr, Technical University of Berlin, was elected unanimously to chair the Section on Food.

Karlsruhe, May 23, 2007

Helmar Schubert
Past Chairman of the EFCE Section on Food
University of Karlsruhe
Institute of Engineering in Life Sciences
Section of Food Process Engineering
Kaiserstr. 12
D-76131 Karlsruhe


European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology

Organised every year, the Workshop is a unique opportunity for your highly qualified PhD students and recently graduated Postdocs to present and discuss their projects and to strengthen their network in academia and industry.
Workshop website:


Previous Workshops

  • 17th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology

    23-24 April 2024, Aachen, Germany

  • 16th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-10 May 2023 

  • 15th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology

    Uzwil, Switzerland, 10-11 May 2022

  • 14th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    7-8 June 2021

  • 13th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Vienna, Austria, 14-15 May 2019

  • 12th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, 17-18 April 2018
  • 11th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Nestle PTC, Singen, Germany, 27-28 April 2017
  • 10th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Bühler AG, Uzwil, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2016
  • 9th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Bühler AG, Uzwil, Switzerland, 24-25 March 2015
    REPORT: Download the press release here  
  • 8th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL), Quakenbrück, Germany, 1-2 April 2014
  • 7th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Barilla Headquarters, Parma, Italy, 7-8 May 2013
    First announcement and call for nominations
  • 6th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Singen, Germany, 7-8 March 2012
    First announcement and invitationProgramme
  • 5th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Valencia, Spain, 22-23 March 2011
    First announcement and invitation
  • 4th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Belgrade, Serbia, 27 - 28 May 2010
    First announcement and invitation
  • 3rd European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Naples -Portici, 21-22 May 2009
  • 2nd European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Massy, France, 26-27 May 2008
  • 1st European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology
    Berlin, Germany, 21-22 May 2007

EFCE Food Engineering Award

The EFCE Food Engineering Award is granted to the three best presentations at the 17th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, recognizing outstanding contributions in the area of food product and process engineering.

Nominations of excellent PhD candidates in Food Engineering and Technology are sought. Documents of the candidates should be submitted via the abstract submission system until February 15, 2024. Eligible are highly qualified young European scientists who will finish their PhD in Food Engineering and Technology soon or have recently received a PhD since June 2023.

Julius Maggi Research Award

The Julius Maggi Research Award, sponsored by Nestlé's Product Technology Centre in Singen, is a prize of 2,500 Euros which is awarded to the best scientific paper presented by a PhD student at the annual European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology. Selection criteria of the international jury include the practical importance to the food industry, the high quality, and the presentation in a clear and convincing way. The winner  and and runner-up are also invited to spend a week at the Nestlé Research Center in Switzerland.

Winners of the Julius Maggi Research Award



The 3 top candidates were:

  • Kristin LÜGGER, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
    "Lipid migration in crystalline fat suspensions: Investigation of possible pathways and mechanisms"
  • Jannina DOMBROWSKI, TU Munich, Germany
    "Structural characterization of milk protein-stabilized foams: A multiscale approach"
  • Katariina ROMMI, VTT Espoo, Finland
    "Enzyme-aided recovery of protein from rapeseed cold-press cake"

Winner: Pia MEINLSCHMIDT, Technical University Munich / Fraunhofer IVV, Germany
"Low-Allergen Food Ingredients An Insight into Nonthermal Food Processing Technologies to Mitigate Soybean Allergy"

Two candidates received the second place:

  • Ulrike SCHMIDT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
    "Citrus pectin as a hydrocolloid emulsifier: Emulsifying and emulsion stabilizing properties"
  • Kemal AGANOVIC, DIL e.V. / KZ Leuven, Belgium
    "Headspace fingerprinting and sensory evaluation to discriminate between traditional and alternative pasteurization of watermelon juice"

17 selected PhD students from 12 European Countries, including Israel) were invited and hosted by Bühler (up to 500 / student for travel and accommodation expenses) after a rigorous review process of the applications received by the key food engineering professors. 14 European food engineering Professors were also present at the event.
The 3 top candidates were:

  • Cornelia KOLLER, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • Juhani SIBAKOV, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
  • Katharina KELEMEN, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Winner: Cornelia KOLLER, ETHZ, Switzerland
"High-Pressure Micro-Foaming of Fat-Continuous Confectionary Systems"

All 3 top candidates will be invited to present their work at a Nestlé Product and Technology Center.

Download the press release about the winner of the 2015 Julius Maggi Research Award here


Winner: David LLOYD, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

2nd price: Erika GEORGET, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany

3rd price: Delphine HUC, National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA), France

All 3 top candidates will be invited to the Nestlé PTC Singen, Germany, to present their results and to get insights into Nestle R&D activities.

Out of the top contenders of the previous PhD workshops 3 have meanwhile assumed professorships (Technion,IL; U. Osnabrück, D; U BOKU, Vienna,A)
Download the press release about the winner of the 2014 Julius Maggi Research Award here




Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang KUEHNL




Dr.-Ing. Kevin K. PARDEY




alternative food technologies - Science meets the industry

Online event, 25-27 May 2021

The event highlighted recent activities in research and innovation of selected alternative food processing technologies, as well as reflect on industrial aspects of these technologies. The event provided a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent trends and progress in the area of alternative food technologies.

> more

EFCE Spotlight Talks