Award winners 2023
Dr. Margarida Brito
Her excellent research in the field of mixing achieved the best evaluation in terms of quality of her PhD thesis on
“Mixing Mechanisms in 2D reactors”
outstanding publications in international journals, international activities and network, and industrial significance of the scientific activity.
Margarida Brito obtained her PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Porto. Currently, she holds a Project Researcher position at the Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LSRE-LCM) at the University of Porto, working on the project “BioShoes4All”.
Dr. Brito was awarded the Young Researcher Award in Mixing 2023 at the 17th European Conference on Mixing in Porto, Portugal, in July 2023.
The Award was sponsored by Ekato.

Award winners 2021
Dr. Lena Hohl
Her excellent research in the field of mixing achieved the best evaluation in terms of quality of his PhD thesis on
"Dispersion and phase separation in liquid multiphase systems: Influence of three phase conditions on drop size distributions",
outstanding publications in international journals, international activities and network, and industrial significance of the scientific activity.
Lena Hohl obtained her Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, and her PhD in Chemical & Process Engineering from TU Berlin, Germany, in 2019, under the supervision of Professor Matthias Kraume. Currently, she hold the position of postdoctoral researcher at TU Berlin.
The award was presented at the online event "PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES IN MIXING IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES" on 30 June 2021.

Dr. FrancesCO Maluta
His excellent research in the field of mixing achieved the best evaluation in terms of quality of his PhD thesis on
"Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Two-Phase Chemical and Biochemical Reactors"
outstanding publications in international journals, international activities and network, and industrial significance of the scientific activity.
Francesco Maluta obtained his B.Sc. in Chemical and Biochemical Engineeringing, his M.Sc. in Chemical and Process Engineering, and his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. Currently, he holds the position of Junior Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso-Montanari", University of Bologna, working as a member of the Mixing
The award was presented at the online event "PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES IN MIXING IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES" on 30 June 2021.

Award winner 2018
Dr. Federico Alberini
His excellent research in the field of mixing achieved the best evaluation in terms of quality of his PhD thesis on
"Blending of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Static Mixers: Assessment Via Optical Methods",
outstanding publications in international journals, participation in mixing conferences, international activities and networking, ongoing activities in mixing research and technology, and industrial significance of the scientific activity.
Federico Alberini obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, and his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He currently holds the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the University of Birmingham, School of Chemical Engineering. His research interests include fluid dynamic studies using Particle Image Velocimetry, Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence and Positron Emission Particle Tracking, Rheology Analysis, and Image processing.
Dr. Alberini was awarded the Young Researcher Award in Mixing 2018 at the 16th European Conference on Mixing in Toulouse, France, in September 2018.
The Award was supported by Bayer AG.

Award winner 2015
Dr. Cláudio António Pereira da Fonte
The Award recognises his outstanding PhD Thesis on "Mixing Studies with Impinging Jets: PIV/PLIF Experiments and CFD Simulation",
completed at the Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor José Carlos Lopes and Dr. Ricardo Santos.
Cláudio António Pereira da Fonte completed his PhD thesis in the field of mixing in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal. He currently holds the position of research engineer at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN), France.
Dr. Fonte’s work focused on mixing in Confined Impinging Jets (CIJs); an alternative method to conventional mixing in stirred tanks. His thesis, which provides a better understanding of this mixing method for laminar flow, also identified mixing mechanisms and flow regimes in CIJs.
Dr. Fonte was awarded the Young Researcher Award in Mixing 2015 at the 15th European Conference on Mixing, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, in June 2015.

Award winner 2012
Dr. Sebastian Maass
The Award recognises his outstanding PhD Thesis on
"Experimental analysis, modeling and simulation of drop breakage in agitated turbulent liquid/liquid-dispersions",
completed at TU Berlin under the supervision of Professor Matthias Kraume.
Sebastian Maass obtained his diploma in energy engineering and chemical processing and his PhD in Chemical & Process Engineering from TU Berlin. Sebastian's PhD work focussed on drop break-up phenomena in agitated liquid-liquid dispersions and the development of physical models. This area is highly relevant to applications in the process industries, including bituminous road surfacing products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and personal care products. Through his research, Sebastian has acquired expertise in experimental techniques (drop-size measurement, PIV, etc), numerical simulations (CFD) and modelling. His work has also led to the patenting of a particle size measurement technique and the start-up of the company SOPATec.
He is currently CEO of SOPATec UG, Berlin, which specialises in the analysis of particulate systems. In this framework he is working on a number of research projects in the field of multiphase mixing.
The award was presented in Warsaw, Poland on 10 September 2012 at the 14th European Conference on Mixing.