Current activities
Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow (WP MFF) presents best oral presentation awards to young scientists
Tereza Semlerová (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic) and Christian Weiland (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany) were honoured with an award for the best presentation for their outstanding oral presentations at the International Congress of Chemical Engineering - CHISA 2024 in Prague in August 2024.
Congratulations to Tereza and Christian!
Upcoming Events
ECCE 14 & ECAB 8
8-10 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
Spotlight Talks
12 November 2024
Multiphase flows in gases and liquids - similarities and differences of particles and bubbles in gases and liquids. Can we utilise synergies?
Working Parties on Agglomeration and Multiphase Fluid Flow
Recording of the presentations on YouTube
25 May 2023: EFCE Webinar of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow
Title: The adventurous journey of a reacting species on its ride through a multiphase reactor – new insights with Lagrangian analysis
Business meeting
The recent meeting of the Working Party took place on 3 September 2024.
Working Party Members
(dated 01/2024)
Name | Contact via contact form |
Dr. Frederic Augier Solaize, France |
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Prof. Christo B Boyadjlev Sofia, Bulgaria |
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Prof. Mario Diaz Oviedo, Spain |
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Prof. Carl Johan Fogelholm Espoo, Finland |
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Prof. Udo Frisching Bremen, Germany |
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Prof. Benoit Haut Brussels, Belgium |
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Prof. Simon Kuhn Leuven, Belgium |
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Prof. Alain Liné Toulouse, France |
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Prof. Daniele Marchisio Torino, Italy |
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Prof. Zarko Olujic Den Haag The Netherlands |
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Dr. Sandra Orvalho Prague, Czech Republic |
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Prof. Fabrizio Podenzani San Donato Milanese, Italy |
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Prof. Michael Schlüter (Chair) Hamburg, Germany |
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Prof. Mark Simmons Birmingham, United Kingdom |
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Dr. Pawel Sobieszuk Warsaw, Poland |
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Mr. Arne Valle Porsgrunn, Norway |
Dr. Maria Zednikova Prague, Czech Republic |
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Name | Contact via contact form |
Prof. Paolo Andreussi Pisa, Italy |
Prof. em. Neima Brauner Tel Aviv, Istrael |
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Prof. Valentin Borodulya Minsk, Belarus |
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Prof. R.A.W.M. Henkes Delft, The Netherlands |
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Prof. Tatjana Kaluderovic Radojicic Belgrade, Serbia |
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Prof. em. Avinoam Nir Haifa, Israel |
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Prof. Martin Obligado Grenoble, France |
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Prof. Alfredo Soldati Vienna, Austria |
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Prof. Martin Sommerfeld Halle, Germanysa |
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Dr. V. Stanek Prague, Czech Republic |
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Dr. Jose-Antonio Teixeira Braga, Portugal |
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Dr. Jiri Vejrazka Prague, Czech Republic |
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Honorary Members
Upcoming evenTS in the field
- ECCE 14 & ECAB 8
8-10 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
Recent evenTS in the field
- GLS16: 16th International Conference on Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Reactor Engineering
Dresden, Germany, 2 - 5 September 2024
- CHISA 2024 - 27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering
Prague, Czech Republic, 25 - 29 August 2024
- ISCRE 28 - International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering 2024,
Turku/Åbo, Finland, 16 - 19 June 2024 - CISM short course "Liquid Interfaces, Drops and Sprays"
Udine, Italy, 26-30 June 2023
CISM advanced course "Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-Phase Flows"
hybrid (online or in Udine, Italy), 11-15 September 2023 - International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE)
Berlin, Germany, 25 - 28 September 2022
- ECCE13 & ECAB6, session"Processes and Fundamentals of Reactive Multphase Flows" jointly organized by the Working Party „Multiphase Fluid Flow“, the ProcessNet Subject Division „Multiphase Flows“ and InPROMPT.
online, 20-23 September 2021 - CHISA 2021 Virtually
online, 15-18 March 2021
CISM, Udine, Italy, 2-6 July 2018
Under the auspices of EFCE's Working Parties on Crystallization and on Multiphase Fluid Flow
- CHISA and PRES 2018
Prague, Czech Republic, 25-28 August 2018
Spotlight Talk
12 November 2024, 9:30 - 12:00 CET
Multiphase flows in gases and liquids - similarities and differences of particles and bubbles in gases and liquids. Can we utilise synergies?
Working Parties on Agglomeration and Multiphase Fluid Flow
25 May 2023: EFCE Webinar of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow
Title: The adventurous journey of a reacting species on its ride througha multiphase reactor – new insights with Lagrangian analysis
Recording of the presentations on YouTube
20 May 2021: EFCE Webinar of the Working Parties on Multiphase Fluid Flow and on Chemical Reaction Engineering
Title: Recent Developments and Further Demands in Reactive Gas-Liquid Flows
The webinar attracted 103 participants.
Recording of the presentations on YouTube
1st December 2020: EFCE Webinar of the Working Party Multiphase Fluid Flow together with Working Party Mixing
Title: Multiscale Mixing in Multiphase Flows”
The webinar attracted more than 150 participants.
Working Party Awards
Best Poster and Oral Presentation Awards
Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow (WP MFF) presents best oral presentation awards to young scientists
Tereza Semlerová (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic) and Christian Weiland (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany) were honoured with an award for the best presentation for their outstanding oral presentations at the International Congress of Chemical Engineering - CHISA 2024 in Prague in August 2024. Tereza Semlerová gave a lecture on the ‘Deformation and break-up of bubbles interacting with vortices in the presence of different surfactants’ and Christian Weiland reported on the ‘Development and implementation of a Lagrangian model for estimating bubble break-up in bubbling flows’. The award was announced by the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow at the special session ‘Multiphase Flows in Bubble Columns’.
Congratulations to Tereza and Christian!
Photography caption: Sandra Orvalho (WP MFF member), Christian Weiland (award winner), Mária Zedníková (WP MFF member), Tereza Semlerová (award winner), Martin Obligado (WP MFF guest member), Alain Liné (WP MFF member) (photo: CHISA 2024)

The EFCE Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow has named Viktoria Wiedmeyer, M.Sc., Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany, as the winner of the Poster Award 2019. The winning poster, "Crystal growth simulation in a continuously operated helically coiled tube" (by V. Wiedmeyer, A. Voigt and K. Sundmacher), was presented at the poster competition on fluid flow and multiphase systems at ECCE12&ECAB5, 2019 in Florence.
The award jury commented that Wiedmeyer’s group had presented an outstanding work that shows the successful modeling of crystal growth populations of large mean crystal size and narrow crystal size distribution. "The jury was especially impressed by Viktoria’s deep understanding of the physical fundamentals of crystal growth and their consideration in modelling", said Prof. Michael Schlüter, Chair of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow. EFCE congratulates Viktoria Wiedmeyer and co-authors for their great success. The Poster Award carries prize money of EUR 300.
Photography caption: The winner of the 2019 Multiphase Flow Best Poster Award Viktoria Wiedmeyer (second from left) and members of the jury (from left Michael Schlüter, Viktoria Wiedmeyer, Mária Zedníková, Alain Liné)

Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow presents poster award to Maria Zednikova
The EFCE Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow has named Dr.Ing. Maria Zednikova, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, as the winner of the Poster Award 2018. The winning poster, "Experiments on bubble breakup induced by collision with vortex ring" (by M. Zednikova, P. Stanovsky, T. Travnickova, J. Vejrazka), was presented at the poster competition on fluid flow and multiphase systems at CHISA 2018.
The award jury commented that Zednikova’s group had presented outstanding work that shows a novel experimental method to study the impact of flow structures on particle break-up. "The jury was especially impressed by Maria’s detailed and inspiring explanations during the discussion at the poster", said Prof. Michael Schlüter, Chair of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow. EFCE congratulates Maria Zednikova and co-authors for their great success. The Poster Award carries prize money of EUR 300.

Previous activities
Meetings of the Working Party
2021, September 22, online
2020, August 28, online
2009, June, in Bled, Croatia (European Two Phase Flow Meeting)
2008, August 24, in Prag, Czech Republic
2007, July 7, in Leipzig, Germany (ICMF)
2006, June 7, in Lausanne, Switzerland (European Two Phase Flow Meeting)
Recent Events of the Working Party
Workshop on Recent Advances in Bubble Columns
5 November 2019, Paris, France
The 1-day Workshop on the recent scientific developments in the field of bubble columns and bubbly flows involved in chemical reactors was organised by the group ‘Reactors & Intensification’ of the French society of chemical engineering (SFGP) and the EFCE Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow’. Download the Workshop Flyer here
Honorary Lecture for Philipp Rudolf von Rohr

During the 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering in September 2019 in Florence, the long serving member of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, has been honored with a lecture given by Prof. Klavs Jensen from MIT Department of Chemical Engineering.
Philipp Rudolf von Rohr has been the head of the Institute of Process Engineering at ETH Zurich for several years since 1992 and chaired the department of mechanical and process engineering from 1999 until 2002. He studied mechanical engineering at the ETH Zurich, specialising in process engineering. The Swiss National Science Foundation granted him a scholarship to study small low-temperature systems at MIT in Cambridge, USA. At the end of 1985, he started working for a company in the field of process engineering apparatus and plant engineering with a focus on environmental technology. At the beginning of 1990 he took over the technical management of the company. In 1998 he founded the Laboratory for Transport Processes and Reactions. His research activities focused on three main areas: Transport processes, Plasma-assisted surface treatment processes and high-pressure processes on a micro- and macro-scale.
Philipp Rudolf von Rohr headed the EFCE Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow for several years and significantly contributed to its successful development. On behalf of the Working Party Multiphase Fluid Flow, the Chair, Prof. Michael Schlüter, thanks Philipp for his work and outstanding engagement for the scientific community and wishes him all the best for his future after retiring.
Photography caption (L-R): Prof. Klavs Jensen, MIT; Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, ETH Zurich; Prof. Michael Schlüter, Chair of the Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow (foto: Jürgen Fitschen, TUHH)