In 1998, the European Federation of Chemical Engineering introduced the Jacques Villermaux Medal. The Medal was presented together with the Dieter Behrens Medal for the first time in October 1999, on the occasion of the 2nd European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-2) in Montpellier, France.
The Jacques Villermaux Medal is presented every four years to recognise "scientific achievements within the context of the Federation's science policy, working parties, conference programme or other related activities."
Jacques Villermaux Medal 2023

Professor David Bogle
University College London, United Kingdom, is the laureate of the Jacques Villermaux Medal 2023.
He has been conferred the medal in recognition of his outstanding achievements within the remit of EFCE’s science policy, in particular in his role as EFCE’s Scientific Vice-President from 2018 to 2021. This includes his commitment to chemical engineering education and training, especially the development and publication of a report on The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline.
Furthermore, the award acknowledges his research in the fields of process systems engineering and systems biology and his services to the related EFCE Working Party on CAPE and the new Section on Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine.
The Medal was presented to him in Berlin, Germany, on Monday, 18 September 2023 during the Opening Ceremony of the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering & 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology - ECCE14 & ECAB7.
Presentation slides
Previous winners of the Jacques Villermaux Medal:
- 2019 - Prof. Dr. Rafiqul Gani, Denmark
- 2015 - Prof. Dr.-Ing Joachim Werther, Germany
- 2011 - Prof. Dr. Ryszard Pohorecki, Poland
- 2007 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhart Eigenberger, Germany
- 2003 - Prof. dr. Frits J. Zuiderweg, The Netherlands
- 1999 - Prof. Gilbert Froment, Belgium