Current activities
Electrostatics 2025
Bologna, Italy, 9-12 November 2025
Call for papers for Electrostatics 2025 is open.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 December 2024
Spotlight Talks
12 November 2024 | Electrostatic charging of particles in flows | Recording (YouTube) |
20 March 2024 |
Protection of electrostatic charges and discharges: material web charging and lightning |
Recording (YouTube) |
31 May 2023 |
Static electricity in industry: flexible intermediate bulk containers, comfort and smart materials
Recording (YouTube) |
21 November 2022 |
Electrostatics risks in industry: hazards due to electrostatic charges
Recording (YouTube) |
23 November 2021 |
Electrostatics in industry: risks, measurements and materials
Recording (YouTube) |
Static Electricity is a two-face phenomenon: in some applications it is a real problem, even a threat, but in others, it is a powerful tool. In both cases, there is a common broad knowledge on understanding static electricity processes, measuring and comprehending electrostatic properties of materials or simply shedding light on electrostatic phenomena in general. This cross-disciplinary knowledge shapes the field of Static Electricity in Industry.
On the one hand, Static Electricity is present in many industrial processes, very often unnoticed, until something happens surprisingly, normally a spark apparently coming from nowhere. In other occasions materials stick to each other and difficult their handling or processing. And, even more, in some applications like electronic components or circuits production there is no apparent evidence of its presence, but many components are damaged and become unusable because of static voltages. Static Electricity is often misunderstood due to its complex nature. It is not easy to identify neither the generation process nor its dissipation or accumulation mechanisms.
On the other hand Static Electricity is used for many applications such as electrostatic separation of wastes, electrostatic precipitation for cleaning exhaust gases, electro-spraying of coatings and paintings, dust removal in screens, electrostatic adhesion, modification of fluid flows in electrohydrodynamics, electrostatic manipulation of particles, electronic displays, printing technology, etc. Mastering electrostatic properties and forces provides unique tools for industry and applications.
Our main objective in the Working Party Static Electricity in Industry is to promote knowledge and applications of Static Electricity by helping Industry and Academia to exchange experiences and share expertise. Our International Conference on Electrostatics provides a unique interdisciplinary forum for discussion about the electrostatic phenomena and its industrial applications. Fundamentals, hazards, applications, measuring techniques, standards and other related topics are within the scope of the conference. It is an excellent opportunity for researchers and users working in many scientific and technical areas where electrostatics is a real concern or challenge to review progress and discuss future trends. Besides, the interdisciplinary composition of the conference gives the best opportunity to get inspired by solutions in other fields and promote relationships for innovation and breakthroughs.
From our WP we promote diffusion of Electrostatics by means of the EFCE Webinars which we believe are an excellent tool for reaching a wide public audience.
Department of Materials and High Voltage
Electrical Technology Institute – Universidad Politècnica de València
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia
Dr. Istvan KISS
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1521 Budapest

Dr. Jaakko PAASI
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
P.O. Box 1300
33101 Tampere, Finland
Univeristy of Turku
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Turku, Finland

Prof. Gerard TOUCHARD
University of Poitiers
Equipe Electrofluidodynamique du L.E.A. Bat. SP 2 MI
Teleport 2 BP 30179
86 962 Futuroscope, France
Prof. Philippe MOLINIÉ
Département d'Electrotechnique et de Systèmes d'Energie
Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France

Dr. Simon EGAN
9 rue des Cuirassiers,
69003 LYON, France

Dr. Holger Grosshans
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig, Germany

Dr. Bálint NEMETH
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1521 Budapest, Hungary
Associate Prof. Ernesto SALZANO
University of Bologna
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and
Materials Engineering – DICAM
40131 Bologna, Italy

Mr. Sivert OSE
Dr. Kees van WINGERDEN
Prof. Roman CIMBALA
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Department of High Voltage Engineering
Technical University Košice
Mäsiarska 74
04001 Košice, Slovak Republic
Mr. Matej DEBENC
SIQ Ljubljana, Tržaška c. 2,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mr. Alexis PEY
Stahl Holdings bv
Pol. Ind. Llevant, c/ Llevant 7
08150 Parets del Vallès, Spain

Dr. Lars FAST
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Electronics
Box 857, Brinellgatan 4
501 15 BORAS, Sweden
Mr. Anders THULIN
Anders Thulin Consulting AB
Dr. Martin GLOR (Honorary Chairman)
Swiss Process Safety Consulting GmbH
Schönenbuchstr. 36
4123 Allschwil, Switzerland
United Kingdom
Dr. Paul Holdstock
Holdstock Technical Services
3000 Manchester Business Park ,
Aviator Way, Manchester M22 5TG UK

Electrostatic Solutions Ltd.
13 Redhill Crescent, Bassett,
Southampton, Hampshire SO16 7BQ, UK

PO BOX A38 Leeds Road
Huddersfield HD2 IFF, UK

Honorary Members
Dr. Joseph TAILLET
33 Rue de la Tourelle
92 100 Boulogne, France
Prof. Istvan BERTA (Honorary Chairman)
High Voltage Laboratory
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1521 Budapest, Hungary
Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Krasnokazarmennaya Str 14
Moskow, Russia 111250
United Kingdom
Dr. Norbert GIBSON
2 Wharfedale Avenue
Moston, UK
Prof. Brian MAKIN
Dept. of Appl. Phys. Electronics & Mechanical Engng.
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN, UK
Awards of the Working Party
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture (1 at Int. Conf.)
For distinguished achievements in the science and engineering of electrostatics, developing safe technologies, innovative uses and applications.
Stig Lundquist Award and Memorial Lecture (1 at Int. Conf.)
For recognition of dedicated service and notable contributions to the advancement of the field of atmospheric and industrial electrostatics as a researcher or teacher
International Fellow Award (approximately 2 at Int. Conf.)
For recognition of dedicated service and notable contributions to the advancement of the field of electrostatics.
Günter Lüttgens Young Scientist Award (approximately 2 at Int. Conf.)
For young scientist or engineer (below 35 years) who has delivered an oral or poster presentation of high quality at the International Conference and has made notable contributions in the field of electrostatics.
List of Awardees
International Conference on Electrostatics, Electrostatics 2022, Wroclaw, Poland, 28 March-1 April 2022
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Dr. Paul Holdstock
Stig Lundquist Award: Dr. Jeremy Smallwood
International Fellow Award: Dr. Daniel Lacks, Dr. Roman Cimbala, Dr. Poupak Mehrani
Günter Lüttgens Young Scientist Award: Pol Fontanes Molina, Artur Marchewicz, László Székely, Adam Pelesz, Connor Williamson, Yunxiao Zhang, Norhafezaidi Mat Saman
International Conference on Electrostatics, Electrostatics 2017, Frankfurt, Germany, 10-14 April 2017
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Dr. Simon Egan
International Fellow Award: Dr. Jeremy Smallwood, Dr. Klaus Schwenzfeuer
Stig Lundquist Award: Dr. Martin Glor
Honorary Chairman: Prof. István Berta
Young Scientist Award: Dr. Lisa Zater, Dr. Sergei Vasilkov, Dr. Gontran Richard, Dr. Serge Forestier
12th International Conference on Electrostatics, Budapest, Hungary, 16-20 April 2013
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Dr. Ulrich von Pidoll
International Fellow Award: Prof. Mark N. Horenstein, Mr. Günter Lüttgens
Young Scientist Award
11th International Conference on Electrostatics, Valencia, Spain, 27-29 May 2009
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Prof. Gerard Touchard
International Fellow Award: Prof. Brian Makin, Dr. Joseph Taillet
Honorary Chairman: Dr. Martin Glor
Young Scientist Award: Graham Ackroy, Liliana Patricia Arevalo González, Peter Ireland, Tamás Iváncsy, Jean-Charles Laurentie
10th International Conference on Electrostatics, Helsinki, Finland, 15 - 17 June, 2005
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Prof. Ion Inculet
International Fellow Award: Prof. Noël J. Felici, Prof. John Gibbings, Dr. Bodo Maurer, Dr. Ernest L Zichy
Young Scientist Award: Audrey Bourgeois, Andreas Marquard, Janusz Podlinski, Flip Kleijn van Willingen
9th International Conference on Electrostatics, Koscielisko-Zakopane, Poland, 29 May - 2 June 2001
Helmut Krämer Award and Memorial Lecture: Dr. Martin Glor
International Fellow Award: Prof. Stig Lundquist, Dr. Norbert Gibson
Young Scientist Award: István Kiss, Marcin Lakowski, Eduard Michel, Eric Moreau
Electrostatics 2022 (Wroclaw, Poland)
Electrostatics 2017 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Electrostatics 2013 (Budapest, Hungary)
Electrostatics 2009 (Valencia, Spain)
Electrostatics 2005 (Espoo-Helsinki, Finland)
Electrostatics 2001 (Koscielisko-Zakopane, Poland)
Electrostatics 1997 (Poitiers, Futuroscope, France)
Electrostatics 1993 (Lahnstein, Federal Republic of Germany)
Electrostatics 1989 (Budapest, Hungary)
Electrostatics 1985 (Uppsala, Sweden)
Electrostatics 1981 (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Electrostatics 1977 (Grenoble, France)
Electrostatics 1973 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Electrostatics 1970 (Vienna, Austria)
Events organised by the Working Party
Electrostatics 2025
Bologna, Italy, 9-12 November 2025
Call for papers for Electrostatics 2025 is open.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 December 2024
Previous events in the series:
For the links to the proceedings of the previous Electrostatics conferences, see "Publications"
Spotlight Talks
20 March 2024 |
Protection of electrostatic charges and discharges: material web charging and lightning |
Recording (YouTube) |
31 May 2023 |
Static electricity in industry: flexible intermediate bulk containers, comfort and smart materials
Recording (YouTube) |
21 November 2022 |
Electrostatics risks in industry: hazards due to electrostatic charges
Recording (YouTube) |
23 November 2021 |
Electrostatics in industry: risks, measurements and materials
Recording (YouTube) |
Events in the field of Electrostatics but outside the WP
- IoP Electrostatics
- Electrostatics Society of America
- Loss Prevention
- Atex conferences
- Courses
- Workshops
Previous activities
Conference series - ElectrOstatics
see "Events"
Spotlight talk series
see "Events"
Working Party meetings
WP Meeting 2023, Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK), 6th September 2023
WP Meetings 2022, on-line, 17th January / 8th September
WP Meetings 2021, on-line, 22nd March / 14th April / 5th May / 3rd June / 1st July / 17th September / 14th October / 19th November / 13th December
WP Meeting 2020, on-line, 14th August 2020
WP Meeting 2019, Manchester (UK), 9th April 2019
WP Meeting 2019: Wroclaw (Poland), 23rd January 2019
WP Meeting 2018: Wroclaw (Poland), 28th September 2018 (cancelled, held on-line)
WP Meeting 2017: Frankfurt (Germany), 11th April 2017
WP Meeting 2016: on-line, 2nd June 2016
WP Meeting 2015. Frankfurt (Germany), 6th August 2015
WP Meeting 2015. Southampton (UK), 14th April 2015
WP Meeting 2013. Budapest (Hungary), 16th April 2013
WP Meeting 2012: Budapest (Hungary), 3-4 May 2012
WP Meeting 2011: Bangor (UK), 12th April 2011
WP Meeting 2010: Budapest (Hungary), 28th May 2010
WP Meeting 2009: Valencia (Spain), 29th May 2009
WP Meeting 2008: Valencia (Spain), 18th April 2008
WP Meeting 2007: Oxford (UK), 26th March 2007
WP Meeting 2006: Basel (Switzerland), 28th-29th April 2006
WP Meeting 2005: Espoo, Helsinki (Finland), 17th June 2005