Honorary Members

retired from Ajax Equipment Ltd, UK
Lyn Bates Lyn Bates was Managing Director of Ajax Equipment Ltd, a company specialising is the design and manufacture of equipment for solids handling. He is member and past chairman of the I.Mech.E, Bulk Materials Handling Committee, on the I.Chem.E, Particulate Solids Subject Group and the technical committee of SHAPA, (Solids Handling and Processing Association), served on various BSI and ASTM committees and is Past President of the Manchester Association of Engineers. Lyn has authored more than 100 papers at Conferences and Seminars in UK, Ireland, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Czechoslowakai, Norway, Australia and China. His books, - on the 'Design, Selection and Application of Screw Feeders' is published by I. Mech.E. His 'User guide to Segregation' and 'Glossary of Terms in Powder and Bulk Technology' are published by The British Materials Handling Board, of which he in now a director. He has written many guidance documents on solids handling, powder testing for flow and other technical articles for his company, the I.Mech.E and trade organisations. He is a also moderator on a 'Help' Forum for the www.bulk-online.com web site. In 2000 he was presented with the 'I.Mech.E.- Solids Handling Award for: - 'Professional Excellence in the Industry'.

University of Bergen
Department of physics and technology
Allegaten 55
5007 Bergen, Norway
Tel: +47 5558 2858
Prof. Rolf K. Eckhoff was appointed at Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Bergen, Norway, in 1962, where he established powder technology (1963), accidental dust explosions (1968), and accidental gas explosions (1976) as new research areas. From 1973 to 1988 he was CMI's chief scientist in powder technology, and dust and gas explosions, and from 1988 to 1996 senior scientific adviser to CMI/CMR/GexCon. He was appointed part-time professor at University of Bergen in Process Safety Technology in 1992 and full-time professor in 1996. In 2008 he became professor emeritus at UoB in Process Safety Technology, but he still teaches regular courses and supervises master and doctorate students.
Eckhoff has advised industry and public agencies in many countries on powder technology and explosion protection, and lectured on courses, conferences and seminars in a number of countries in Europe, and in USA, Canada, Israel, Bahrain, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, China, Australia and Brazil. He has been an expert witness in connection with major explosion disasters in USA. Eckhoff is a member of the editorial board of "Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries", and of several Norwegian and international working groups on process-safety-related topics related to the Internat. Electrotech. Comm. (IEC) and the European CEN/CENELEC.

Powder Power AS
Granlia 11
5200, Os. Norway
Tel: +47 90 09 20 97
Prof. Gisle Enstad started his career started at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in January 1972, headed by Professor Rolf Eckhoff, who taught him Powder Technology. Projects on silo design, dust explosion, electrostatic charging, electrostatic powder coating, mixing of powders, segregation and transport of powders were carried out. The activity was moved to Tel-Tek in Porsgrunn in August 1988, where a number of research projects were carried out on silo design, air-slide transport, feeding of alumina, homogenization of powders, as well as identifying reasons for segregation and developing ways of segregation inhibition. A main interest was for a number of years to characterize the flow properties of powders. A major research project on developing new tools for design of silos, based on computer simulation of flow of powders in silos and new ways of characterizing constitutive properties of powders, was headed by me, starting in 1986 and ending in 1992. The project involved research groups at the Chr. Michelsen Institute and Tel-Tek in Norway, The University of Chalmers in Sweden and The Danish Institute of Technology in Denmark. He has been supervising a number of Master and PhD students at Telemark University College, where he was a part time professor for 20 years. Has also supervised both Master and PhD students for a few other European Universities.

GOI Innvation Management /E - B001
Carl - Bosch - Strasse 38
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
Tel: +49 621 60-55175
Web: www.basf.com
Dr. Hermann J. Feise is the Senior Research Manager of BASF for Innovation Networks and Public Funding. In this function he operates as contact point for researchers from academia as well as from the BASF research divisions. Before joining BASF’s Innovation Management team Hermann Feise was responsible for the Particle Formulation and Handling group at BASF's Chemical and Process Engineering department, providing expert services to the plants and laboratories of the BASF group. His technical interests are in the fields of drying, agglomeration and handling of particles as well as the simulation of particle flow with modern numerical methods. Hermann Feise received a Mechanical Engineering degree (Dipl.-Ing.) from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany and the University of Waterloo, Canada. He went on to complete a doctorate on the "Mechanical Behavior of Bulk Solids" at the institute of Prof. Jörg Schwedes, TU Braunschweig, Germany. In 1999 he received the Johannes - Möller - Preis, awarded for outstanding PhD - work in particle technology. For the last decade Dr. Feise has been very active in professional associations at a national and international level. From 2007 to 2011 he served as the Scientific Vice - President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering and was also the chairman of the 8th European Congress on Chemical Engineering. Today he is active in working parties concerned with education of chemical engineers on the national and European level.

Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport
Callaghan Campus, University of Newcastle
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia
Tel: +61 2 4921 6067
Prof. Alan Roberts is Emeritus Professor at the University of Newcastle (Australia) and has an outstanding international reputation as a world authority in the field of bulk solids handling. He has a proven international track record in fundamental and applied research, and is highly respected by industry worldwide. He was the founder of TUNRA Bulk Solids in 1975. His contribution to research and consulting spans a period of 50 years and covers almost all aspects in the field of bulk solids handling.

Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co KG
Zeppelinstr. 2a
28832 Achim, Germany
Tel: +49-4202 9146 106
Web: www.zeppelin.com
Dr. Harald Wilms studied Mechanical Engineering and Process Technology at the Technical University of Braunschweig. He is working in the field of bulk solids handling /silo technology since his Master Thesis in 1977. He received his Ph.D. for research work on silo pressures under Prof. Jörg Schwedes. He joined the Zeppelin Group in 1984 and has held various positions in solids handling, primarily for shear testing, silo design, mixing, pneumatic conveying, degassing, process technology, trouble shooting, consulting as well as sales, management and M&A activities. He was instrumental in the expansion and globalization of Zeppelin’s plant engineering division. Since 2012 he is in charge of Business Development of Zeppelin Power Systems in the energy and transportation sector, based on Caterpillar engines. He is the author of approximately 150 technical papers, a lecturer in various solids handling programs, a member of numerous bulk solids handling committees, and holds several patents.
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