
IOI Loders Croklaan
Hogeweg 1
1521 AZ Wormerveer, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 756292256
Dr. Renee Boerefijn is Innovation Director at IOI Loders Croklaan. His main experience is in powder technology, detergent processing, engineering science, product development and resource management. In the past he was also working as Manager at PURAC and UNILEVER. He is author of 8 patents (Preparation of a powdered vinegar, Detergent compositions in Tablet form, Granule and process for its manufacture, etc.) and more than 50 scientific papers.

NEU International Process
Parc d'Activités de la Houssoye - rue Ampère
59930 La Chapelle d'Armentières, France
Tel: +33 3 2045 6543
Dr. Thierry Destoop is Technical Manager of NEU International Process, the pneumatic conveying specialist based in Lille, France. He joined the NEU Group in 1990, two years after receiving his PhD from the University of Lille for a thesis on CAD for reciprocating compressors. He has presented over 20 papers at conferences worldwide.

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology
Denickestrasse 15
21073 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 40 42 878 3750
Contact (secretary), Contact (direct)
Prof. Stefan Heinrich is the Director of the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany. He studied Process Engineering at the University of Magdeburg and received his PhD in 2000 in the field of fluidized bed spray granulation. In 2008 he became full professor of TUHH, Germany. He has been the Dean of the Department of Process and Chemical Engineering of TUHH (2011-2012). In 2015 Stefan became an Honorary Doctor of the National University of the Ukraine, Krasnoarmijsk. He is an executive board member of the German Working Party on Drying and Chairmen of the executive board of the German Working Party on Agglomeration and Bulk Solid Materials of VDI-ProcessNet. He is also a board member of the Working Party on Agglomeration of EFCE. Stefan is also the Coordinator of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority programme 1679 Dynamic simulation of interconnected solids processes" and a member of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 986 "Tailor-made multiscale materials systems". He is Executive Editor of the journal "Advanced Powder Technology" and Thematic Editor of the journal "Particuology".
His main research interests are fluidized bed technology, particle formulation with granulation, coating and agglomeration, development of particular composite materials, particle based simulation methods (discrete element modelling, population balance modelling) and coupling with continuum approaches (CFD), contact and breakage mechanics of particles as well as steady-state and dynamic flowsheet simulation of solids processes.
He has published about 126 peer reviewed papers, 11 book contributions, 4 patents, 250 conference proceedings and has given more than 400 scientific presentations at conferences.
For his research activities in fluidized bed spray granulation Stefan received the DECHEMA-Prize 2015 of the Max Buchner Research Foundation.

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
8 , Kliment Ohdridsky, Blvd.
Prof. Jordan Hristov is a professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria. He was graduated in 1979 as Electrical Engineer (MS equivalent) at the Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria. His PhD thesis on the magnetically assisted fluidization was awarded by the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy in 1995. Prof. Hristov’s research interests cover the areas of particulate solids mechanics, fluidisation, heat and mass transfer with special emphasis on scaling and approximate solutions. He is a member of the advisory board of Particuology, editorial board member of Thermal Science and Editor-in-Chief of International Review of Chemical Engineering. The main branch of his research is devoted to magnetic field effects of fluidisation and related problems with strong interparticle forces. Additionally, specific heat transfer topics are at issue, especially to thermal effects in accidents (fire), mathematical modelling, etc.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
90 183 Umeå, Sweden
Tel: +46 90 786 87 95, +46 70 664 04 06
Prof. Torbjörn Lestander, senior PI at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. His research focuses on characterization (on-line to nanomapping and nanospeciation), hyperspectral imaging, pretreatment, fractioning and densification of lignocellulosic biomass. He is author and co-author of ~250 scientific and technical publications and ~50 listed in Web of Science.

Multi Scale Mechanics,
Universiteit Twente (UT), CTW, MESA+,
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 53 489 4212, Secr.: -3371
Prof. Stefan Luding studied physics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, focusing on reactions on complex and fractal geometries. He continued his research in Freiburg for his PhD on simulations of dry granular materials in the group of Prof. A. Blumen. He spent his post-doctorate time in Paris IV, Jussieu, with E. Clement and J. Duran before he joined the computational physics group with Prof. Herrmann for his habilitation. In 2001, he moved to DelftChemTech at the TU Delft in Netherlands as associate professor for particle technology. Since 2007 he has held the chair on multi-scale mechanics (MSM) at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, CTW, at the University of Twente, Netherlands, with ongoing research on fluids, solids, particle interactions, granular materials, powders, asphalt, composites, bio- and micro-fluid systems and self-healing materials. Stefan Luding has been managing editor in chief of the journal Granular Matter since 1998. He has written more than 200 publications and is a member of several international working parties, including presidentship of AEMMG that organizes the Powders and Grains Conference in 2009, 2013, and 2017.

University of Salerno
Department of Industrial Engineering
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Tel: +39 089964132
Prof. Massimo Poletto is professor of Chemical Engineering since December 2012 at the Department of Industrial Engineering. Since January 2011 he serves as the Chairman of the Degree Programme Board of Chemical and Food Engineering. In the period 2008-2013 he has served as the Chairman of Working Party of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) on "Mechanics of Particulate Solids" that he joined in 2004 as a delegate from the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC). He is member of the Editorial Board and Particle Technology topic coordinator of Chemical Engineering Research and Design, the official journal of IChemE and of EFCE. (ChERD, ). He has worked at the University of Salerno since 1994 as researcher first and, in the period 2001-2012, as associate professor of the Faculty of Engineering. He has helped in the organization of national and international scientific conferences. He was appointed as a referee in the peer reviewing process of several International Journals of Chemical Engineering and powder technology. Massimo Poletto is author of more than 150 papers and conference presentations, more than 50 of which have been published on refereed international Journals and in book chapters.
Assoc.Prof. Dr.techn. Dipl.-Ing.
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Process and Particle Engineering
Inffeldgasse 13/III
8010 Graz, Austria

Technical University of Madrid
Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Industrial Design
Ronda de Valencia, 3
28012 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 913366837
Prof. Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid. From 2013 to 2019 he led the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids. Since 2020 he serves as Executive Board member for EFCE. After working as engineer during three years, he started his PhD at the Technical University of Madrid in 2003. In 2007 he completed his PhD obtaining the accreditation of "European doctorate". His initial research topic was pressure measurements in full-scale steel silos. He visited Prof. Jin Ooi and Prof. Michael Rotter at the University of Edinburgh and afterwards, he visited Prof. Jørgen Nielsen and Prof. Jørgen Munch-Andersen several times at the Danish Building Research Institute. At the end of his PhD, he contacted Prof. Peter Ansourian and Prof. Itai Einav at the University of Sydney where he was developing Discrete Element analysis in order to get a better understanding of the behaviour of silo pressure cells. During these years he has conducted research on the mechanical characterization of biomass materials, ignitability and explosibility properties, and explosions in experimental silos. He has been Chairman of the 14th International Freight Pipeline Society Symposium, founder of "International Symposium on Handling and Hazards of Materials in Industry (HANHAZ)", and has participated in the organizing committee of many others. He is author of more than 100 papers and conference papers, of which more than 35 are published in refereed international journals. For his academic and professional activities during the past 15 years Álvaro received the Francis Sevila Young Professional Award 2016 of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng).

University of Coimbra
Chemical Engineering Department
Rua Silvio Lima, Polo II
3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal

Chief Scientist; Powder Technology
SINTEF Materials & Chemistry
Mobile: +47 95920208
Prof. Chandana Ratnayake got his bachelor degree (BSc Eng- Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He possesses MSc in Process Technology from Telemark University College and PhD in Powder Technology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His PhD study was focused on developing a comprehensive scale-up technique for designing and optimizing of pneumatic conveying systems. Chandana joined Tel-Tek, Dept. of POSTEC in 1999 as a PhD student. After completion of PhD, he has been working in different positions in POSTEC. He has involved in many industrial projects (applied research) and also conducted several fundamental research projects funded by Norwegian Research Council and European Union, covering different aspects of powder technology; bulk material storage, transport and processing. His R&D activities have positively contributed in many Norwegian Industries; off-shore oil, fish feed production, mineral processing, food, marine, etc. Chandana has published his R&D contributions in many international refereed journals, conferences and seminars. He also works as a reviewer of international journals and fund application assessment panels. Chandana is currently working as Chief Scientist of SINTEF Tel-Tek and he also has an Adjunct position in Telemark University College, as a Professor II in Powder Technology. He was the president of the International Symposium Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids V (RELPOWFLO V), Skien (Norway), celebrated in 2016.
Freeman Technology
Research and Development
United Kingdom

VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava
Bulk Solids Centre
Institut dopravy, Fakulta strojní
17. Listopadu 15
708 33 Ostrava - Poruba, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 596994379; Fax: +420 596994330
Prof. Jiri Zegzulka is the Director of the Bulk Solids Handling Centre of Czech Republic (BSC). His research interest is on bulk solids processing and handling, including flow patterns, pressure distributions, mixing, segregation, etc. Prof. Zegzulka has been a delegate of the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids since 2003. He has carried out numerous projects about technology transfer with industry, and is author of many scientific research papers and patents in his field.
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