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Early Career Engineers Forum 2021-header

EFCE Early Career Engineers' Forum

22 April 2021, online


Young professionals or early career engineers in chemical engineering are confronted with specific challenges ranging from the need to form a professional network to the wish to understand the unwritten rules of the workplace to the desire to identify the opportunities ahead of them. Professional organisations representing chemical engineering are tasked to support their members in these activities. The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) will organize an EFCE Forum event, specifically tailored to these subjects. The EFCE Early Career Engineers' Forum will feature networking opportunities as well as best practice exchange on activities targeting engineers at the start of their careers.

The EFCE Early Career Engineers' Forum will contain a plenary style webinar showcasing activities by EFCE or its EFCE Member Societies targeting young professionals, e.g. Young AIDIC in Italy or the ChemCar-Competition in Germany. In addition, a workshop style web event on opportunities for (local) young professional events and a workshop targeting the formation of an EFCE Early Career Engineers' initiative on sustainability will be held.
Member Societies, universities, young professional groups and individuals had been invited to contribute to the webinar and the workshops with short presentations.

The event will feature three sessions:

  • 9:00 - 12:00 CET: European Early Career Activities (Plenary Presentation)

  • 14:00 - 15:30 CET: Early Career Round Table Discussion (Workshop)

    Chemical Engineers have a diverse skill set ranging from mathematical aptitude, problem solving and data modeling. This leads to a variety of possible career paths within R&D, engineering design and Operations across multiple industries helping to shape the future of the European industrial landscape. The main goal of this workshop is to gather examples of Early Career ChemEngs in order to support the Early Career Community to stay connected, raise awareness of development opportunities and share best practices in areas of expertise.

  • 15:45 - 17:15 CET: Global Perspectives on Sustainability (Workshop)
    The EFCE Sustainability Workshop will feature early career engineers and leaders of sustainable engineering to give their perspectives on how engineers can ensure sustainability.
    Impulse I from IChemE ECC, Global Engineering Futures, & Global Engineering Futures.
    Impulse II from EFCE Sustainability Section
    Impulse III from Industry (BASF & EFCE)
    Panel Discussion
    Closing: How to get involved in IChemE ECC, Global Engineering Network, EFCE.

Detailed Programme


Register here for the sessions free of charge:

European Early Career Activities
(Plenary Presentation - Zoom webinar)
Early Career Round Table Discussion / Global Perspectives on Sustainability (Workshops - Zoom web meeting) Registration