Main activities of the Working Party
Spotlight Talks
Full programme of the 6th series
Business meetings
An annual 2-day meeting including a full day's technical programme and a half day industrial visit.
Distillation & Absorption conference
The Distillation & Absorption conference is held every 4 years.
The recent Distillation & Absorption 2022 was held in Toulouse, France, on 18-21 September 2022
Excellence Award in Fluid Separations 2022
The Excellence Award 2022 was presented to
Dr.-Ing. Vineet Vishwakarma
for his excellent PhD thesis on "Experimental and numerical investigations for an advanced modeling of twophase flow and mass transfer on column trays" completed at TU Dresden, Germany, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Uwe Hampel.
The Award is generously sponsored by Evonik.

Left to right: Armin Rex (Evonik), Vineet Vishwakarma, Harry Kooijman (WP Chair)

Vineet Vishwakarma presents his Award lecture
Working Party members
Working Party Board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Uwe Repke
TU Berlin
Fachgebiet Dynamik und Betrieb technischer Anlagen
Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 314 23893; Fax: +49 30 314 26915

Assoc. Prof. Igor Dejanović
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (FCET)
Department of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
Savska cesta 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 459 7134
Mobile: +385 91 572 2285

Prof. Dr. Silvia Alvarez Torrellas
Associate Professor Chemical Engineering
Catalysis and Separation Processes Group
Faculty of Chemical Sciences
Complutense University
Avda. Complutense, s/n. 28025 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 3944118

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mark Hlawitschka (delegate)
Institute of Process Engineering
JKU Linz
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel: +43 732 2468 9742; Fax: +43 732 2468 9759
Dr. Verena Wolf-Zöllner (delegate)
Montanuniversitaet Leoben
Process Engineering
Franz-Josef-Str. 18
8700 Leoben, Austria
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Pfennig (guest member)
Département de Chimie Appliquée
Université de Liège - Sart-Tilman
Quartier Agora
Allée du six Aout 11, Bâtiment B6c, office 1/66, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Tel: +32 4 366 3521

Prof. Dr. Dominque Toye
Department of Chemical Engineering
PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes
Université de Liège
Quartier Agora
Alée du six Août 11, B6c - Local 1.61, 4000 Liège 1
Tel: + 32 4 3663509
Assoc. Prof. Igor Dejanovic (delegate - Vice-Chair)
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (FCET)
Department of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
Savska cesta 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 459 7134
Mobile: +385 91 572 2285

Dr. Magdalena Bendova (delegate)
Department of Physical Chemistry
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
UCT Prague
Technická 5, 166 28, Prague 6, Czechia
Tel. +420 22044 3693

Prof. Jens Abildskov (delegate)
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Søltofts Plads, Building 229, 2800 Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark
Tel: +45 45 25 2905; Fax: +45 45 93 2906

Prof. Ville Alopaeus (delegate)
Aalto University
Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Technology
Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Tel: +358 400 740 807

Dr. Jani J. Kangas (delegate)
Neste Engineering Solutions Oy
Teknologiantie 36, Kilpilahti, P.O. Box 310, 06101 Porvoo, Finland
Prof. Michel Meyer (delegate)
Institut National Polytechnique (INP) de Toulouse
Laboratoire de Genie Chimique
4 allée E Monso, BP44362, 31432 Toulouse cedex 4, France
Tel: +33 5 34 32 36 80; Fax: +33 5 34 32 37 00

Prof. Dr. techn. Hans-Joerg Bart (guest members)
TU Kaiserslautern
Lehrstuhl fuer Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Tel (Secretary): +49 631 205 2117; Tel (Bart): +49 631 205 2414
Fax: +49 631 205 2119

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Grünewald (delegate)
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Institut für Thermo- und Fluiddynamik
Lehrstuhl für Fluidverfahrenstechnik
Gebäude IC3/117, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany
Tel: +49 234 32 26426; Fax: +49 234 32 14164
Contactor Contact

Dipl.-Ing. André Ohligschläger (delegate)
Nouryon Germany GmbH
Geb. C516, Industriepark Höchst
65926 Frankfurt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Uwe Repke (delegate - Chair)
TU Berlin
Fachgebiet Dynamik und Betrieb technischer Anlagen
Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 314 23893; Fax: +49 (0)30 314 26915

Dr. Robin Schulz (guest member)
Julius Montz GmbH
Hofstr. 82, 40723 Hilden, Germany
Phone: +49 2103 894-43
Mobile: +49 176 11089405
Prof. Laszlo Hégely (delegate)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Building Service and Process Engineering
Müegyetem rkp 3, 1111 Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Elisabetta Brunazzi (delegate)
University of Pisa
DICI-Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 2, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Tel: +39 050 2217 813; Fax: +39 050 2217 866
Elisabetta Brunazzi is Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy. She joined the University of Pisa in 1999 after a four-year experience in Italian and British engineering companies. Her research activities include experimental as well as model-based investigation of structured packings for absorption and reactive separation equipment, fluid mixing problems in stirred tank, microdevices, gas/liquid inertial separators.
Prof. Brunazzi has been guest in the Fluid Separations Working Party since 1994, Italian delegate to the Working Party since 2002 and acted as Secretary for two 3-years terms. From 2012 to Sept. 2018 she held the position of Chair of the Working Party.
She acts as subject editor (Distillation and Absorption) for Chemical Engineering Research Design, the EFCE's official European journal.

The NETHERLANDS Andre B. De Haan (delegate)
(Biobased) Process Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Section Transport Phenomena
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 152789228; Mobile: +31 615948835

Prof. Harry Kooijman (delegate)
Shell Global Solutions International BV
P.O. Box 38000, 1030 BN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Clarkson University
Department of Chemical Engineering
Potsdam NY 13699-5705, USA
Tel: +31 20 6710389
Prof.Dr.Ir. Harry Kooijman worked on the development of new structured packings with increased performance for cryogenic air separation and automated design tools for air separation units while at BOC, NJ (now Linde). In 2002 he joined Shell in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where he developed a reduced entrainment inlet device for high vacuum columns in refining and upstream gas separation, The Schoepentoeter Plus. Subsequently he became one of the global column internals specialists for Shell (covering refining, chemicals, gasification, as well as Floating LNG). Currently he works as a process design engineer to develop new, and to adapt existing separation process line-ups, both in down-stream as well as in up-stream (e.g. Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Capture). In his role as part-time research professor at Clarkson University he develops new models for industrial separation processes as well as physical transport property models. He is co-author of ChemSep, a CAPE-OPEN compliant rate-based column simulator licensed to 100+ universities and various petro-chemical industries.

Prof. Boelo Schuur (delegate)
Professor Separation Technology
Sustainable Process Technology group
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Twente
Meander building 221, De Horst 2, 7522 LW Enschede, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 53 4892891; Mobile: +31 6 14178235
Boelo Schuur is a tenured professor at the University of Twente, working on separation technology with a main focus on affinity fluid separations. The two main research lines are a) Development of new separations for (bio)refineries, and b) Study on intermolecular interactions in affinity separations, aiming at better understanding the thermodynamics of these interactions.

Prof. Dr. Sigurd Skogestad (guest member)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Sem Saelands vei 6, K4-211, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: +47 7359 41 54; Mobile: +47 9137 16 69

Prof. Dr. Hanna Knuutila (delegate)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Sem Saelands vei 6, K4-402, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: +47 7359 41 19
Prof. Xi-Gang Yuan (guest member)
Tianjin University
92 Wei-Jin road, Nai-Kai district, Tianjin 300072, PR China
Tel: +86 22 27402786; Fax: +86 22 27404496

Prof. Alexander Toikka (guest member)
St. Petersburg State University
Institute of Chemistry, Dep. of Chemical Thermodynamics & Kinetics
Universitetskiy prospect 26, Peterhof, Saint Petersburg 198504, Russia
Tel: +7 812 4284052; Fax: +7 812 4286939
Contact (private) or Contact (university)

Assoc. Prof. Pavol Steltenpohl (delegate)
Slovak University of Technology
Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Radlinskeho, 9
81237 Bratislava, Slovakia
Dr. Ljudmila Fele Žilnik (delegate)
National Institute of Chemistry
Laboratory for Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
Hajdrihova 19, POBox 660, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 4760 220; Fax: +386 1 4760 300

Prof. Dr. Silvia Álvarez Torrellas (delegate - Secretary)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y de Materiales
Avda. Complutense, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Prof. Dr. María González Miquel (delegate)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Departamento de Ingeniería Química Industrial y del Medio Ambiente Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales
José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2, 28006 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 067 7330
Oleg Pajalic (delegate)
Vice President Process Innovation
Perstorp AB
28480 Perstorp, Sweden
Tel: +46734274954; Fax: +4643538807

Dr. Ralf Proplesch (delegate)
Head of Fluid Separation Technology OPS-MTT
DSM Nutritional Products
Werk Sisseln
Haupstrasse 4, 4334 Sisseln, Switzerland
Tel: +41 62 866 2180; Fax: +41 62 866 3198

Ir. Mario Roza (delegate)
retired from Sulzer, currently active at Roza Process Technology Consulting

Prof. Dr. Richard Darton, OBE (guest member)
Emeritus Professor
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ
Email: Contact
Dr. Mohammad Kalbassi (guest member)
Industrial Professor
Director of Research
Deputy Head: Chemical Engineering
Brunel University London
College of Engineering Design and Physical Sciences
HWLL 107, Howell Building, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1895 267604

Prof. Eva Sorensen, MBE (delegate)
Professor in Chemical Engineering and Head of Department
Department of Chemical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, United Kingdom

Mr. Greg Spencer (guest member)
Technical and Proposals Manager
FIChemE CEng
Koch-Glitsch UK
King Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2LT, United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 1782 602221; Fax: +44 1782 602247

Prof. Rakesh Agrawal (guest member)
Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
School of Chemical Engineering
480 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100, USA
Tel: +1- 765-494-2257; Fax: +1- 765-494-0805

Dr. Tony Cai (guest member)
Chief Scientist
Fractionation Research, Inc.
424 S. Squires St, Suite 200, Stillwater, OK 74074, USA
Tel: +1 405 385 0354; Fax: +1 405 385 0357

Objectives of the Working Party
The Working Party aims to bring together people involved with different aspects of fluid separation processes to discuss common problems, latest advances, and future needs, and to improve the relevance and quality of research and promote its application.
The Working Party aims to:
- Be a European forum for separation practitioners & researchers & encourage collaboration
- Facilitate debate around research and education and provide guidance for industrial practice & public policy where appropriate
Working Party events
Distillation & Absorption 2022
Toulouse, France, 18-21 September 2022
Distillation & Absorption 2018
Florence, Italy, 16-19 September 2018 (EFCE Event No. 737)
- Technical programme
- Plenary presentations
- Andrzej Górak: Distillation and absorption in the era of bio, info and process intensification
- Hanna Knuutila: Stripping the CO2 capture process
- Regina Benfer: Model meets Reality - Distillation Simulation at BASF
- Leila Moura: Ionic liquids for the separation of gaseous hydrocarbons
Spotlight Talks
Excellence Award in Fluid Separations
Year | Winner |
2022 |
Dr. Vineet VishwakarmaPhD thesis: "Experimental and numerical investigations for an advanced modeling of twophase flow and mass transfer on column trays" |
2018 |
Dr. Leila MouraPhD thesis: "Ionic liquids for the separation of gaseous hydrocarbons" The award was presented on 19 September 2018 at the 11th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption - DA2018 in Florence, Italy. |
2014 |
Dr. Eloy S. Sanz PÉrez
The award was presented on 16 September 2014 at the 10th International Conference on Distillation and Absorption (D&A2014) in Friedrichshafen, Germany. |
2011 |
Dr.-Ing Constantin FrericK
The award was presented on 28 September 2011 in Berlin, Germany, during the session "Innovative separation technologies - Membrane separations I" of the 8th European Congress on Chemical Engineering. |
Reference books:
- 'Recommended test mixtures for distillations'
by F.J. Zuiderweg, 1st Edition, 1969 - 'Recommended test mixtures for distillation columns'
U. Onken and W. Arlt, 2nd Edition, 1990
new Standard VDI 2761: 'Standard systems for Absorption'
The standard VDI 2761 part 2 describes the measurement of fluid dynamics and the experimental investigation of mass transfer parameters as well as the determination of the effective phase interface for absorption and desorption processes. The method is used to determine the characteristic properties of random and structured packings in test columns at pilot plant scale.
Furthermore, model-supported calculation methods for test evaluation for the determination of volumetric mass transfer coefficients on the gas and liquid side are presented. In addition, the separate determination of the gas- and liquid-side mass transfer coefficients and the effective phase interface is described on the basis of a rigorous model approach. This separate determination of the above-mentioned parameters of mass transport enables an improved implementation in a process simulation software. Finally, information on the technical design of packing columns based on measurement and simulation is given, so that important hints for the uncertainties to be considered can also be taken into account for the application in practice.
The book on Reactive and Membrane-Assisted Separations edited by Philip Lutze and Andrzej Górak was published by De Gruyter at the end of July 2016. The book presents strategies for improving fluid separation such as reactive distillation, reactive absorption and membrane assisted separations. More under
The Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Distillation and Absorption (DA2014) held in Friedrichshafen have been published by DECHEMA and are now available. You can order the books by using the following link:
Achievement and Challenges in Fluid Serparations
Presentation by Andrzej Górak at ECCE10:
Distillation goes bio, micro, hybrid, cylic, high gravity: hype or high potential?
Lectures of Prof. Andreas Pfennig ‘Teaching and Research on You Tube on Thermal Separation Processes’?
YouTube playlist:
Besides the very fundamental chapters on distillation, extraction, absorption, etc. also more specialized topics like simulated-moving bed chromatography, various hybrid processes, and drop-based design of extraction equipment are included.
Previous activities
Technical Meetings
History of the WP meetings and achievements:
Year / Venue | Topics, outputs, remarks |
Bochum, Germany 2021
Membrane vs. Distillation –A Power Demand Study for Hydrocarbon Mixtures |
Online, 7 September 2020 |
Session I – 9:15 to 10:45 Mega columns: Challenges and Solutions Extending the Reactive Distillation Window: a Regime Map Approach to Aid Process Unit Choice and Design Wanted Technologies: 10-Year Success Story for Complex Research Projects Session II – 11:00 to 12:30 Fluid Separations @RTWH Aachen Towards Systematic Design of Intensified Fluid Flexible Unit Operations for Transformable Processes –Potentials and Limits |
Gothenberg, Sweden 2019 |
Presentations: Introduction Solvent selection and design for (bio)refinery applications Modified surfaces to enhance vertical falling film heat transfer Direct Air Capture of carbon dioxide In-situ characterisation of fouling on membrane surfaces -Fluid dynamic gauging Nouryon is exploring reactive distillation Distillation. Optimal operation using simple control structures Unexpected Problems with Kettle Reboiler Circuit Methanol from recirculating CO2 in aldehyde production |
Liège, Belgium 2017
"Feedstock transition from fossil to renewable" and "What's new"
Presentations: Welcome and Overview ChemEng Liège Downstream Design for Biobased Processes X-ray tomography: a tool for revealing local distribution of phases in packed beds Challenges of CO2 capture from flue gas as an application of fluid separation techniques (from absorption to adsorption and membranes) Mathematical gnostics as an alternative to statistics inthermodynamic and thermophysical data analysis |
Copenhagen, Denmark 2016 "Emerging Separation Technologies"
WP Technical Programme Copenhagen Presentations: Welcome and Chemical Engineering Activities in Denmark (4.1 MB) T. Bisgård et al.: Heat-Integrated distillation (modeling, J.Abildskov, S. B. Jørgensen: Cyclic separation: Ž. Olujić: Dividing Wall Column Technology - Recent V. Diky et al.: Fluid data consistency testing incorporation |
Budapest, Hungary 2015 "Refining problems and Energy saving issues" |
WP Technical Programme Budapest |
Friedrichshafen, Germany 2014 | before Distillation & Absorption 2014 hence business meeting only |
Winterthur, Switzerland 2013 "Success stories in novel fluid separation processes" |
WP Technical Programme Winterthur 50 years of structured packing
Bergen, Norway 2012 "Fluid separations in gas plant processing and energy integration" |
WP Technical Programme Bergen |
Oxford, United Kingdom 2011 "Recent inovations in fluid separations including CO2 capture"
WP Technical Programme Oxford |
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2010 | before Distillation & Absorption 2010 hence business meeting only |
Toulouse, France 2009 "Membrane and reactive separations", "Separation challenges in future fluids" and "Micro-fluidic separation challenges"
WP Technical Programme Toulouse |
Prague, Czech Republic 2008 "CO2 capture" and "Green solvents" |
WP Technical Programme Prague |
Amsterdam, Delft, The Netherlands 2007 "Distillation columns |
Benchmarking Packing Mass Transfer Correlations with a Nonequilibrium Model |
London, United Kingdom 2006 | before Distillation & Absorption 2006 hence business meeting only |
Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005 |
Name of the WP changed to "WP on fluid separations" WP Technical Programme Ljubljana |
Huelva, Spain 2004 "Refinery separations" and |
WP Technical Programme Huelva |
Hyvinkaa, Finland 2003 "Property prediction", "Sustainable development" and "Hybrid separation processes" |
WP Technical Programme Hyvinkaa Presentation: Improving Styrene Separation using MellapakTM Plus |
Baden-Baden, Germany 2002 | before Distillation & Absorption 2002 hence business meeting only |
Bamberg, Germany 2001 "Equipment development for D, A and E - application and fundamentals" |
Joint meeting with annual meeting of the respective German Working Party Presentation: Styrene Monomer Purification with MellapakTM Plus: Shell ConSepTM Tray Technology Provides Unparalleled Distillation Capacity |
Winterthur, Switzerland 2000 "Mass Transfer With and Without Chemical Reaction" |
--- |
Trondheim, Norway 1999 "Natural Gas and other Gas Separations" |
--- |
Cagliari, Sardinie 1998 "Interrelationship of academic research with industrial research" |
--- |
Maastricht, The Netherlands 1997 "What should we teach on distillation?" |
--- |
Warsaw, Poland 1996 "New developments in separation processes associated with process industries, biotechnology and environmental protection"
--- |
Brussels, Belgium 1995 "Experimental and industrial topics in separation processes,including the use of computers for performance analysis" |
List of researchers on D, A, E set up. "Why research is needed in distillation" by K. Porter has been published |
Stockholm, Sweden 1994 "Unconvential separations" |
--- |
Vienna, Austria 1993 (?) "Liquid-liquid extraction" |
--- |
Guiltford, United Kingdom 1992 "Gas separations with reference to enviromental matters" |
--- |
Geleen, The Netherlands 1991 "Role of basic data and concepts in separation processes" |
Prof. Billet presented list of absorption systems suitable for select the recommendation |
Oviedo, Spain 1990 | Second edition of "Recommended test mixtures for Distillation Columns" ed. Prof.U. Onken |
Koeln, Germany 1989 "Mass transfer phenomena in D, A, E." |
--- |
Alghero, Sardinie 1988 (?) "Separation processes coupled with chemical and biochemical reaction" |
--- |
Prague, Czech Republic 1987 "General topics with preference of biotechnological aspects" |
--- |
Lyon, France 1986 "Dilute mixtures" |
Visit to Crays-Malville nuclear site. First steps to the study of systems for extraction with chemical reaction. |
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1985 "Use of fundamental concepts to solve practical problems" |
Second edition of the booklet "Standard Test Mixtures for Liquis Extraction" was published |
Ljubljana, Slovenia 1984 "Coalescence in L-L and G-L systems" |
--- |
Winterthur, Switzerland 1983 "Factors determining the capacita of column contactors" |
--- |
Helsinki, Finland 1982 "Scale-up of separation equipment in size and properties" |
--- |
Koeln, Germany 1982 "Recovery from dilute fluids" |
--- |
Linz, Austria 1980 "Separation processes - research and development priorities" |
--- |
London, United Kingdom 1979 |
before Distillation & Absorption 1979 hence business meeting only. A subcommitee was formed for reedition of Distillation test mixtures manual: Prof's: Onken, Fredenslund and Hala |
Stockholm II, Sweden 1978 "New application of extraction" |
Booklet "Standard Test Mixtures for Liquis Extraction" was published |
Teeside 1977 "Energy saving in separation processes" |
--- |
Pisa, Italy 1976 "Separation of heat sensitive materials" |
--- |
Prague, Czech Republic 1975 | Only Business Meeting in connection with the CHISA Congress |
Toulouse, France 1975 "The performance of plates in large scale D.A.E.columns" |
--- |
The Hague, The Netherlands 1974 "Dynamic behaviour and Control of D.A.E. Equipment" |
--- |
Oslo, Norway 1973 "Development, testing and scale-up of packed columns for D.A.E." |
--- |
Copenhagen, Denmark 1972 "Applicationof the techniques of D.A.E. in the purification of gases and liquids, with a view to avoiding environmental pollution" |
Subcommittees for: "Standard test mixtures for liquid extraction (Dr. Misek, Dr. Brandt, Prof. Hanson)" and for "Recomensation of nomenclature in separation processes" (Dr. Huber, Prof. Stemerding, Prof. Sawistowski)" were set up. |
Bad Soden, Germany 1971 "Factors governing the selection of auxiliary agents in countercurrent separation processes, such as..." |
--- |
Prague-Liblice, Czech Republic 1970 "Key problems in the development and design of eqipment for continuous L/L extraction" |
Project "Test mixtures for liquid extraction" has been proposed |
Venice, Italy 1969 "Distillation and Absorption coupled with Chemical Reaction" |
The booklet "Recommended test mixtures for Distillation Columns" was published |
Basel, Switzerland 1968 | Business meeting only |
Brussels, Belgium 1968 "Vapour - liquid equilibria" |
The WP terms of reference have been extended to cover also Absorption and Extraction |
Ludwigshafen, Germany 1967 "The comparison of industrial fractinaiting devices" |
Six-Language Vocabulary of Distillation Terms has been published, Editor A.J.V. Underwood" |
London, United Kingdom 1966 "Plate column performance" |
--- |
Zurich, Switzerland 1966 "Future activities of the Working Party" |
Sub-commitee for Standardisation of distillation test mixures was set up: Prof. Zuiderweg (Chair),Prof. Ellis, Dr. Brandt |
Paris, France 1965 "Mass transfer and plate efficiency" |
--- |
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1965 "Vacuum distillation" |
--- |
Lverkusen, Germany 1964 "Packed columns of larger diameters" |
--- |
Frankfurt, Germany 1964 | The terms of reference, working methods, the purpose and goals of WP have been broadly discussed. Project of Multiligual Vocabulary was started. |
London, United Kingdom 1963 "Constitution and working program of the Working Party" |
WP on Distillation has been set-up. The board of EFCE at its meeting in Paris on 6th November 1963 had formally approved the establishment of the Working Party on Distillation with Dr. Underwood, chairman. |
Members area
The following pages are restricted to members of the EFCE Working Party (EFCE Section).
EFCE is working with the DECHEMA Community-Tool. If you attended former events of the EFCE (e.g. WCCE10, Loss Prevention 2019) or DECHEMA, your address may be registered already. Please fill in these login details below.