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Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids - WP MPS

Welcome to the website of the EFCE Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids.


Current activities


Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids

The call for nominations for the 2025 EFCE Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids will open in autumn 2024.
The award will be presented at PARTEC 2025 in Nuremberg, Germany, in September 2025.

The Award is generously sponsored by Jenike & Johanson, Inc.



The Excellence Award 2022 was presented to

Dr. Marvellous J. Khala

for his excellent PhD thesis "Characterising Powder Flow in Dynamic Processes", completed at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, under the supervision of Professor Chuan-Yu (Charley) Wu.
The winner of the 2022 Excellence Award on Mechanics of Particulate Solids was presented by the WP Chair, Professor Diego Barletta, with the assistance of Dr. Liz Del Cid of the sponsor Jenike and Johanson, during the opening ceremony of the 9th World Congress of Particle Technology on 19 September 2022. Dr. Marv Khala sent a videomessage to say thanks. Moreover, the same day Dr. Khala presented his work in a talk in teleconference during the parallel session Mechanics of Particulate Solids I.

Acknowledgements Marvellous Khala

The Award is generously sponsored by Jenike & Johanson Inc.


Upcoming Event


Lisbon, Portugal, 8-10 September 2025

The call for papers opens in September. Deadline for abstract submission: 14 February 2025


Spotlight TalkS




Business Meetings

Next meeting: 1 September 2024

Technical Projects

see "Technical Projects"


Aim of the Working Party


The main aim of the working party is the promotion of science, education and technology transfer in the subject area of bulk solids handling and transportation in the EFCE member countries. The working party promotes interaction between industry and academia to enable improvement of bulk solids handling science and technology.


Members of the Working Party


The Working Party currently has 47 members from 15 European countries: 31 members are from academia and 16 members are from industry (18 Delegates, 22 Elected Members, 7 Honorary Members and 6 Guest Members).


Elected Members


Honorary Members




Previous Working Party Chairs:

For most of its time the Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids has been led by Dr. Jan Novosad of Czechoslovakia (later Czech Republic), laureate of the Dieter Behrens Medal in 1999.

In the period 2002 - 2007 it was led by Dr. Hermann Feise, an industrial delegate from Germany, who served as the Scientific Vice-President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering from 2007 to 2011. Since 2018 he hold the position of President of the EFCE.


From 2008 to 2013 the Working Party has been led by Prof. Massimo Poletto from Italy.


From 2013 to 2019 the Working Party has been led by Prof. Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez from Spain. Since 2020 he serves as Executive Board member for EFCE.


Events related to Mechanics of Particulate Solids


WCPT9 - 9th World Congress on Particle Technology

September 2022, Madrid, Spain

The World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) is the world’s major scientific congress for particle and bulk solids technology. It is an international forum for research, technological development and innovation in new technologies. The results presented and discussed in every edition of WCPT have come from different research fields (chemical, pharmaceutical, food production, mining, agricultural, energy…) and have been beneficial for many industrial applications. Held every 4 years since its inception in 1990, is intended to stimulate discussions on the forefront of research in particle science and technology. The next World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT9) will be celebrated in September 2022, in Madrid.


NEWS: 2018-10-29
Every four years members of the global particle technology community converge to share their latest insights and applications to industrial, academic, and civil problems, and also to decide which will be the next venue for the celebration of the next edition of the World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), the world’s major scientific congress for particle and bulk solids technology, an international forum for research, technological development and innovation in new technologies. In the World Assembly for Particle Technology held in Orlando, Florida, United States of America, the 23rd April 2018, a proposal to host the next World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT9) was presented by Prof. Carlos Manuel Negro Álvarez and Prof. Álvaro Ramírez Gómez on behalf of the Spanish Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (ANQUE). A decision was reached to celebrate the next WCPT9 in Madrid, Spain, in September 2022. For WCPT9, Prof. Carlos Manuel Negro Álvarez (Congress Chair), from the Complutense University of Madrid, Prof. Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez (Scientific Chair), from the Technical University of Madrid and Dr. Hermann Feise (International Advisory Committee Chair) from BASF, together with 8 EFCE-WPs (WP Agglomeration, WP Comminution and Classification, WP Characterization of Particulate Systems, WP Crystallization, WP Drying, WP Mechanics on Particulate Solids, WP Mixing and WP Multiphase Fluid Flow) will define the strategy that will aim to promote the inclusiveness of the industry and the academia as in previous WCPT editions. The main aim will be to engage the whole community on particle technology in the different continents and their countries through an outreach and promotion program specifically designed for this purpose. Support is received from EFCE, DECHEMA, FEIQUE, and QS (Foro de Química y Sociedad).

RELPOWFLO V - International Symposium Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids V

Skien, Norway, 13-15 June 2017 (EFCE Event No. 734)


PARMAT 2017 - International Conference on Processing, Handling and Characterization of Particulate Materials

held in the frame of the World Congress of Chemical Engineering 2017 (WCCE10)
1 - 5 October 2017, Barcelona, Spain
This new conference on particulate materials (PARMAT2017) is organized by eight Working Parties of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) in the frame of the WCCE10-ECCE11-ECAB4. This initiative started in ECCE10 aiming to be a meeting point for academia and industry to share the latest scientific progresses and technological advances in fields were particulate materials are involved. More specifically, PARMAT2017 is devoted to all the aspects related to the chemical and mechanical processing, handling and characterization of particulate materials in industry, including hazards and risks that are usually presented during these operations. This International Conference will provide a unique opportunity to integrate academic/scientific research and industry issues and requirements from researchers and industrialists around the world".



Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids

The call for nominations for the 2025 EFCE Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids will open in autumn 2024.
The award will be presented at PARTEC 2025 in Nuremberg, Germany, in September 2025.

The Award is generously sponsored by Jenike & Johanson, Inc.

Previous Award:

The 2022 Excellence Award in Mechancis of Particulate Solids was presented to Dr. Marvellous Khala at the 9th World Congress of Particle Technology on 19 September 2022.
Award sponsor: Jenike & Johanson, Inc.



Commemorative plaque

During the celebration of the 1st International Conference on Processing, Handling and Characterization of Particulate Materials (PARMAT2017) organized by eight Working Parties of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and in the frame of the WCCE10-ECCE11-ECAB4, Prof. Rimantas Kačianauskas from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University received a commemorative plaque on behalf of the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids for his outstanding contributions to the field. 

Photo: Prof. Rimantas Kačianauskas (right) receiving the commemorative plaque from Prof. Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez (left), Chair of the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering



Technical Projects



The correct structural design of storage silos for granular solids depends on the lateral and vertical stresses that are exerted by the stored solids on the silo walls. Standard structural design specifications are reported in international design codes as Eurocode EN 1991-4:2006 [1] and in related national standards. The estimate of the load that acts on a vertical silo wall is usually performed by applying the Janssen method of differential slices [2], which requires the evaluation of the horizontal to vertical stress ratio or the lateral pressure ratio, K. An experimental device for the measurement of the horizontal to vertical stress ratio had been purposely built and tested for fine and cohesive solids [3].
Experimental campaigns in the project were dedicated:
1) to find out a reproducible procedure able to provide representative measures of the ratio of vertical to horizontal stresses which free flowing and cohesive materials;
2) to determine the principal sources of error in the experimental campaign;
3) to find out any possible improvement in the design of the cell.

[1]  Eurocode 1. DD ENV 1991-4 (1996).
[2]  Janssen, H.A. Zeitschr. d. Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, 39, 1045-1049 (1895).
      As reported by Sperl, M., Granular Matter 8, 59-65 (2006).
[3]  Barletta, D. and Poletto M. Granular Matter 15, 487-497 (2013).
Contact: M. Poletto (U Salerno, IT)

The increased use of biomass materials in industries is causing more and more handling problems, many of them associated to bottlenecks. Nowadays, there is still a lack of knowledge in the flow properties of biomass materials. The irregular shape and the elastic, fibrous, flaky, and stringy nature that present, is responsible of the completely different behaviour to those commonly found in the process industry; characterization methods are being urgently demanded. WP members are working on the study of biomass flow during the last 5 years. The initiative started in 2011 with a demonstration project called Bio4Flow, involving 4 countries. It was funded by Processum Biorefinery Initiative AB. The activities continued aiming at creating a European network on biomass handling related activities. Related projects in progress are an ITN-Marie Curie proposal titled "Efficient, reliable and safe BIOmass HAndling, Pretreatment and Processing for a sustainable EU Bio-based economy" (BIOHAPPBY) and a COST Action titled "Towards the Security of Supply of Biomass and Solid Waste Feedstock - Efficiency and Safety for the Bioeconomy (EFFSAF)". Partners from countries such as Spain, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Israel and Australia, are participating in these initiatives. Furthermore, the debate on biomass handling problems is also pursued in forums such as the 7th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids - ChoPS, September 2012, in Friedrichshafen (Germany) (roundtable discussion) or the 2nd International Symposium on Handling and Hazards, July 2014, in Madrid (Spain) organized by WP members. A significant number of industrial consultancy projects related to biomass handling issues have been already carried out. The experience gained is also being used to train specialists in this field. The PhD thesis titled ‘The effect of pellets physical properties on handling of pelleted biomass fuels in practical use’ is being written up by M Abdulmumini. This research has been funded by PTDF, Nigeria and has been undertaken in collaboration with Forever Fuels Ltd.
Contacts: Diego Barletta (U Salerno, IT), Sylvia Larsson (SLU, SE), Robert Berry (U Greenwich, UK), Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez (UPM Madrid, SP)


Prior investigations by the Working Party encountered considerable scatter in the results of wall friction tests obtained by various experienced bodies testing bulk materials on contact surfaces that were carefully selected to have common properties. An initial series of tests will be conducted by UK participants and a preliminary examination made of the reports and test results to review the suitability of the process, procedure and presentation of results.
Contact: L. Bates (Ajax Equipment, Bolton, UK)


The WPMPS workshop endeavors to increase the acceptance of DEM-codes for simulation of bulk solids behavior. This requires the codes to be validated, which in turn needs carefully selected problems with a good experimental database for test runs. As an initial step a workshop shall produce a framework for engagement between academic researchers, professional software companies and potential industrial beneficiaries of DEM numerical simulations and identify areas that need significant further development both in terms of computational methodologies as well as the experimental validation procedures. It is hoped that in the longer term, the group of researchers brought together for the event will form the nucleus of a wider project formation aimed at setting the European/International standards of "best practice" in DEM Simulation software development and implementation in a broad range of industry sectors. Projects developed in this direction were PARDEM - PARticle Systems: Training on DEM Simulation for Industrial and Scientific Applications, an EU Funded Framework 7, Marie Curie Initial Training Network (2009-2013), and T-MAPPP - Training in Multiscale Analysis (MA) of multiPhase Particulate Processes and systems (PPP) also an Initial Training Network funded by FP7 Marie Curie Actions ITN (2014-2018).
Contacts: S. Luding (TU Delft, NL), J. Ooi (U Edinburgh, UK) and U. Tuzun (U Surrey, UK)


Much information is available on the properties of bulk material, but broad industrial experience indicates that there is often inadequate appreciation of the characteristics that are relevant to the satisfactory performance of solids handling equipment in the formation of a contract between the purchaser and supplier. The British Materials Handling Board has undertaken to remedy the deficiency by preparing a 'Guide to the Specification of Bulk Solids for Storage and Handling Applications'. The Working Party endorsed this initiative and looks to co-operate with a view to attaining European acceptance of the document as a working tool for agreeing the requirements between user and supplier of the value of relevant physical properties of bulk materials that are to be used in any solids storage and/or handling project. This Guide is in preparation for draft circulation.
Contact: L. Bates (Ajax Equipment, Bolton, UK)


Since 1969 the characterization of bulk solids has been the focus of the work of the "Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids" of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. Led by John Williams and Jan Novosad the WPMPS developed the first international standard on the measurement of the flow properties of bulk solids during the 1970's and 80's. After its publication in 1989 this "Standard Shear Testing Technique for Particulate Solids Using the Jenike Shear Cell" or SSTT became the common worldwide basis for silo design. Globalization has made us feel that anything documented in internationally accessible standards must be usable for everybody. However, the knowledge about proper shear testing spreads only slowly through the educated world. It is my believe that one reason for this unsatisfactory state remains the language barrier. Therefore, after the German translation published in 2005, now a Czech edition of the SSTT has been prepared.
Contact: J. Zegzulka (U Ostrava, CZ)





Standard Shear Testing Technique for particulate solids usingthe Jenike shear cell (SSTT)

A report from the EFCE Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids,
Rugby, Warwickshire, UK (1989), ISBN 0-85295-232-5


Bates, L.:

Glossary of Terms in Powder and Bulk Technology

The British Materials Handling Board, Sale Cheshire (2002),

BHMB Glossary 20050429

Feise, H.J. [Übs.]:

Standardmethode zur Charakterisierung von Schüttgütern mit dem Jenike Schergerät

EFCE Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids,
DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, D (2005), ISBN3-89746-058-0

SSTT cover deutsch

Zegzulka, J. [Übs.]:

Standard smykové zkousky partikulárních hmot pomocí Jenikeho smykového stroje

EFCE Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids,
VSB-TU Ostrava, Ostrava (2006), ISBN 80-248-1051-4


Carson, J.W.; Wilms, H.:

Development of an international standard for shear testing

Powder Technology, Volume 167, Issue 1, 6 September 2006, Pages 1-9


Previous acivities



The working party was founded in 1969. Since then it has run numerous technical projects mainly concerning the characterisation of bulk solids for flow. Its most prominent outcome being the SSTT (Standard Shear Testing Technique for Particulate Solids Using the Jenike Shear Cell). This document has become the basis of several standards, most notably those by ASTM on Jenike and Ring Shear Testing.

For most of its time the Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids has been led by Dr. Jan Novosad of Czechoslovakia (later Czech Republic). In the period 2001 - 2007 it was led by Dr. Hermann Feise, an industrial delegate from Germany, from 2008 to 2013 by Prof. Massimo Poletto from Italy and from 2013-2019 by Prof. Álvaro Rámirez- Gómez from Spain. Since 1 January 2020, the Working Party is headed by Prof. Diego Barletta, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy. The working party currently has 47 members from 15 European countries.


Abstracts from Minutes of Working Party business meetings


News 2016

Bulk Solids Centre Czech Republic (BSC)

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) godfathered the Bulk Solids Centre Czech Republic (BSC) providing during all this time advice, guidance and experience through the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids (WPMPS). This new workplace in the Czech university is an open space for international collaborations across Europe and beyond in fields associated with bulk solids handling. Here, you will find a research group plenty of energy and enthusiasm headed by Prof. Jiri Zegzulka, internationally recognised for his expertise in this field, with modern facilities, tools and equipment to face new challenges.

The opening ceremony of BSC was on 8th April 2016 in the Innovation Centre VSB-TU Ostrava. The Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids of EFCE represented by its chairman Prof. Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez opened the centre.

Bulk Solids Centre opening-photo

The opening ceremony (from the left): Assoc. Prof. S. Mišák,
Assoc. Prof. A. Király,  Prof. Dr. Á. Ramírez-Gómez, Prof. Dr. J. Zegzulka

Members area

The following pages are restricted to members of the EFCE Working Party (EFCE Section).

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