Excellence Award winner 2019
Dr. Eng. Maciej Jaskulski
His PhD Thesis on
"CFD Modeling of Particle Agglomeration in Counter - Current Spray Drying Process"
completed at the Lodz University of Technology, Poland under the supervision of Prof. Dr Hab. Eng Ireneusz Zbiciński achieved the best evaluation results in terms of breadth and depth of the thesis, scientific impact, innovation and industrial relevance, and dissemination of results.
Maciej Jaskulski obtained his M.Sc.Eng and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Lodz University of Technology, Poland. Since 2017, he holds the position of Assistant Professor at Lodz University of Technology in the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering.
The award was presented in Torino, Italy, in July 2019 in conjunction with the 7th European Drying Conference -EuroDrying2019.

Excellence Award winner 2010
His PhD Thesis on
"Contribution to the knowledge on the use of power ultrasound in convective drying of foods"
completed at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, and nominated by Professor Carmen Roselló, was selected by an international jury as the best thesis in terms of terms of breadth and depth of the study, innovation, industrial relevance, and dissemination of results.
Jose Garcia-Perez received his Master's degree in Food Technology from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Since October 2009, he is working as a tenured Associate Professor at the Food Technology Department, Polytechnic University of Valencia.
The award was presented in Magdeburg, Germany, on Tuesday, 5 October 2010, in conjunction with the 17th International Drying Symposium.